

For dates and times, see the Meeting Schedule.

The Executive Committee is made up of the elected officers, chairs of committees, and appointed board members. ExCom is not an entity unto itself; it is a derivative committee of the Board of Directors. It makes day-to-day decisions for the Board. See People for current members.

The Climate Committee makes climate action a primary focus for ECOS advocacy, and a pivot point for its land use, transportation, green building, and environmental justice teams.

The Water Committee focuses on water related issues that affect the region’s ground and surface water resources.

The Habitat Committee is Habitat 2020, a coalition that works to protect the lands, waters, wildlife and native plants in the Sacramento region.


The Organizational Development Committee focuses on fund raising, membership recruitment, leadership development, and succession planning.

Copyright 1980 K. Torgerson CC BY-SA 3.0 WikiCommons.jpeg

The Strategy Committee provides a forum for in-depth discussion of issues related to the improvement and effectiveness of ECOS as a partner to others and as an organization — to build a deeper bench in ECOS and to identify and pursue priorities and strategies with our members and partners. Chair: Susan Herre, susanherre[at]gmail[dot]com