The Water Committee focuses on water related issues that affect the region’s ground and surface water resources.
The Committee focuses on impacts to water from regional growth and climate change including increased drought and flood frequency, changes in snowpack, and higher temperatures. Impacts include changes in surface water flow rates and the availability of water for groundwater pumping and surface diversions. It promotes appropriate conjunctive use of ground and surface waters for both human and environmental beneficial uses, improved forecasting of water supply and demand, and improved water demand management to ensure the ongoing adequacy of water supply. It supports a requirement of large development projects to demonstrate no harm to the adequacy of water supply.
The Committee works to accomplish these objectives by participating in the Water Forum and by contributing to the update of the Water Forum Agreement. The Committee monitors and, when appropriate, participates in water purveyor and local agency water planning and management efforts. It also comments on local government climate action plans and general plans.
Check this repository of documents for supporting materials for the Water Committee.
Also see Water Forum II Update Effort and Groundwater Sustainability Plans.