On July 23, 2024, the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) sent our comments on the June 18, 2024 Revised Notice of Preparation Regional Water Bank to the Regional Water Authority.
Tag Archives: Water Bank
Accounting System for the Regional Water Bank
On August 3, 2023, ECOS submitted a letter to the Regional Water Authority to suggest a meeting to discuss efforts to develop an Accounting System for the Regional Water Bank. Below is an excerpt.
We are interested in learning about how effective the 2012 Accounting Framework was in tracking and accounting for groundwater transactions within the bank, and which aspects of the 2012 Framework may be included in the new Regional Water Bank Accounting Framework currently in development. We are also interested in discussing how the requirements of SGMA will be incorporated in the Framework. Also, we suspect that the expanded monitoring and modeling of both the North and South American subbasins has provided additional sophistication and understanding of how groundwater moves within and between these subbasins. We would like to hear your plans for including this added technical understanding of subbasin operations into the accounting framework. We would also like to learn how you plan to account for any deposited ground water losses, and ideas you are considering regarding the use of portions of deposits to address groundwater dependent ecosystem needs, and, as a set asides to improve basin storage. Finally, the 2012 framework seemed to establish pumping levels for participants tied to water years. Is this approach one you are considering going forward, and would any resulting pumping agreements be included in Individual Purveyor Agreements established as part of the Water Forum 2 process?
Water Bank Comments
On February 22, 2023, ECOS submitted our comments regarding the document titled “Sacramento Regional Water Bank Proposed Goal, Objectives, Principles, and Constraints” dated February 13, 2023.
Recording and Presentation Posted for the First Water Bank Stakeholder Forum
The Regional Water Authority (RWA) has launched a public engagement process for the Sacramento Regional Water Bank, an innovative groundwater storage program utilizing the expansive reservoir under the urban core for storing water during wet times for use during dry times.
The goal of the Water Bank public engagement process is to share information, answer questions and gather input about how a Water Bank could be operated and expanded in the Sacramento region.
The first Stakeholder Forum explored key topic areas such as water sources and management in the Sacramento region; projected impacts of climate change on the region’s water resources; how water banking works; how a Water Bank could help the region adapt to climate change; and other topics. Future Stakeholder Forums will cover Water Bank principles and governance, defining and refining operational alternatives, and scoping for an environmental analysis.
RWA is planning several Stakeholder Forums over the next 15 months with the next Forum expected to take place in early 2023. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to the Project Team to learn more about the Water Bank and ask questions.
You can reach the Project Team at waterbankinfo[at]rwah2o[dot]org.
Updates about the engagement process will be posted to rwah2o.org/waterbankengage.
Comments on the North American Subbasin draft Groundwater Sustainability Plan
On October 14, 2021, ECOS and Habitat 2020 submitted comments on the North American Subbasin (NASb) draft Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSPD).
ECOS commends the effort of the North American Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs), and their consultants, for involving the public and in preparing the GSPD. The GSPD provides both a technical and lay understanding of the North American Subbasin (NASb) and how groundwater moves within it. The GSPD is an important reference document that brings together a wealth of information in one place. With additional information, projects and management Actions recommended below, the GSPD will present a clear direction for the subbasin’s sustainable groundwater management.
Click here to read the letter.
Photo from Pixabay
Regional Water Authority’s efforts to develop a Regional Water Bank
April 23, 2021
ECOS has submitted a letter in regards to environmental and public interest representation as part of the Regional Water Authority’s efforts to develop a regional water bank.
Please click here to view our comments.
Photo from Pexels https://www.pexels.com/photo/water-drops-on-blue-background-260551/