ECOS Climate Committee and General Meeting
Wednesday, July 26 – 6:00 pm start
Link to join:
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155
6:00 Welcome and Introductions
6:10 Sacramento Metro Air District & Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program
The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD) is leading a regional effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with a grant from the US EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program (CPRG). Once developed, their regional Climate Action Plan will enable our 7-county region to receive major funding from last year’s federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The goals include reducing vehicle miles traveled as part of SACOG’s “Green Means Go”, promoting energy production and energy efficiency with SMUD, establishing mobility hubs in disadvantaged communities, improving water efficiency, managing forests, and mitigating urban heat islands.
Brianna Moland, SMAQMD’s Climate Coordinator, will discuss some of the suggested GHG reduction measures recommended by CPRG’s steering committee. With an advanced degree in Climate and Society, Brianna advocates for clean air and climate resiliency and works with local agencies to foster new climate solutions. Kacey Lizon, SACOG’s Deputy Executive Director of Planning & Programs, will provide SACOG’s perspective, and participate in the discussion.

SMAQMD will host a webinar on this topic, same day (July 26, 10 AM); details at
6:40 Discussion/Q&A
7:05 Updates and Announcements
- Sacramento County’s Climate Emergency Declaration and Climate Action Plan: 2030? 2045?
- 2024 ballot measure to fund transit; spur infill housing
- SACOG Blueprint
- I-80 lanes to be added between Davis & Sacramento: draft enviro. document expected this year
- Community Benefits Ordinance for Sacramento City
- Proposed development projects jeopardizing the Natomas Basin Habitat Conservation Plan
We look forward to hearing your announcements and updates.
This meeting is open to everyone interested in addressing some of our region’s most pressing challenges.