Urban Design Townhall | Urban Design to Create Resilient Communities 2/22

Stephanie Reich, AIA | Design and Historic Preservation Planner, City of Santa Monica

Kate Collignon | Partner, HR&A Advisors

Egon Terplan | Lecturer in City & Regional Planning, UC Berkeley

Luiz Barata | Senior Planner/Urban Designer, Waterfront Resilience Program, Port of San Francisco

Phoenix Armenta | Senior Manager for Climate Equity and Community Engagement, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission

Earn 1.5 LU | HSW for attending [pending approval]

What is the responsibility of the Architect and allied professions in focusing on Resilience and Adaptation to create/enhance Resilient Communities? What is the role of the architect and allied professions in protecting health, safety and welfare?

Climate change renders many areas in California, the country and the world virtually uninhabitable, or at higher and higher risk. In this Urban Design Townhall, made in partnership with the Resilient Design Committee, attendees will learn the importance of incorporating resilience and adaptation into daily practice. This conversation will explore resilience and adaptation in design, such as ethics of rebuilding in hazardous areas, how to prepare for greater density needs due not only to the housing crisis but to inevitable climate migration, and best ways to shift the systems building and regulating construction to a resilience model.

Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rfuivrTMuGdRmHleM5OeJ0oJdnOW5arp3

More information and additional resources can be found here: https://aiacalifornia.org/

What Is A General Plan?!?

Posted here: January 12, 2021

Created by Tomboy Dru November 10, 2018 via YouTube

With the City of Sacramento working on updating the City General Plan, we thought we would post this fantastic video created by YouTube creator Tomboy Dru, who humorously breaks down what’s in a General Plan, by providing a general explanation of each General Plan element. These elements include land use, environmental resources, recreation and open space, noise, circulation or mobility, safety, energy, and housing or growth area. We highly recommend this video to gain an understanding of this important document, or to refresh your knowledge! Check out her channel for other great urban planning content, as well!

Click here to learn more about the City of Sacramento’s General Plan.

Click here to learn more about the County of Sacramento’s General Plan.

To learn about the general plan where you live, visit your local government websites.

ECOS @ Green Drinks Sacramento

On the evening of Tuesday, February 11, 2020, the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) enjoyed the spotlight as Green Drinks Sacramento’s monthly featured nonprofit! Green Drinks is a monthly mixer of people from non-government organizations (NGOs), academia, government and business who are working in the environmental field or simply care about the future of our planet.

What do you know about land use and habitat conservation in the Sacramento region? How current are you on local transportation goals and climate action planning? Attendees of Green Drinks Sacramento in February 2020 tested their knowledge with trivia questions crafted by ECOS! ECOS and friends had a wonderful time as the featured nonprofit at Green Drinks Sacramento’s February event. We enjoyed strengthening existing connections with individuals and organizations who share our values, and meeting new contacts who can help us build a more sustainable future for all residents. Thank you to Green Drinks and to everyone who played trivia with our ultra-local environmental trivia questions!

Kudos to Green Drinks Sacramento for hosting this space every month! Join the next one on the second Tuesday of the month!

ECOS Board Meeting – Jan 28

You are invited to the ECOS Board Meeting on Tuesday, January 28th, 2020. All are welcome to join.

This month, we’ll have a special presentation by Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD) staff on Strategies to Cool the Capital Region, and Community Air Protection.

  • Shelley Jiang will present SMAQMD’s just-completed Capitol Region heat island study: Cool roofs & pavements, tree canopy, electric vehicles, and smart growth can cool us!
  • Ashley Reynolds will discuss their Community Air Protection program, focusing on under-served communities.
  • A Question/Answer session with SMAQMD presenters will follow the presentation


Click here to view the meeting agenda.

More Information

Click here to learn more about SMAQMD’s Community Air Protection Program.

Click here to learn more about the Capital Region Urban Heat Island Mitigation Project.

Fewer trees, more asthma. How Sacramento can improve its canopy and public health

By the Sacramento Bee Editorial Board
October 15, 2019
The Sacramento Bee

We often plant trees as a symbolic gesture. We plant them on Earth Day in honor of clean air and sustainability. We also plant trees to commemorate people and events.
But trees do more than provide shade and improve landscapes. They are also critical to public health.
In Sacramento, which the American Lung Association named fifth worst U.S. city for air quality and where temperatures increasingly reach triple-digit highs, we must take the importance of trees seriously.


Click here to read the full article.

CEQA & Land Use Training April 16

Dear Sacramento Valley residents and citizens,

Here is an affordable educational opportunity to get some CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) & Land Use training next weekend, April 16th, 2016! The Sacramento Valley Section of the American Planning Association is pleased to announce a Planning Commission Training Workshop, which includes CEQA and Land Use topics and is open to the public within the Sacramento Valley!

The Workshop will be held on:
Saturday, April 16, 2016, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
West Sacramento Community Center (1075 West Capitol Avenue, West Sacramento)
Cost $25 [registration cost covers coffee and light breakfast in the morning, lunch and afternoon cookies]

ECOS is in serious need of volunteers with knowledge in these areas. Don’t miss this opportunity to increase your own valuable environmental expertise, and feel free to share this invitation with your networks!


2016 4 April 16 APA CEQA Land USe training image

Flyer: http://files.ctctcdn.com/ab56286d401/12e349a3-ce3b-49c6-b26c-baf1fcfe0c06.pdf

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/planning-commissioner-training-workshop-tickets-22119445858