ECOS Transportation Meeting in partnership with Strong Sactown 8/3

ECOS Transportation Team Agenda
Thursday, August 3, 2023; 6 PM start
Old Soul at the Weatherstone (812 21st St. between H & I St. in Midtown)

Our August meeting will be held in-person, in partnership with Strong Sactown.

Strong Sactown is a community group focused on enriching and improving the livability of Sacramento, CA for all neighbors. Their concerns include Ending Parking Subsidies, and Mixed-Use Zoning:

Among the topics we will discuss:

  • 2024 Sacramento transportation funding ballot measure, including “Measure C”
  • City of Sacramento: General Plan Update & Climate Action and Adaptation Plan

This meeting is open to everyone interested in addressing one of our region’s most pressing challenges.

Click here for the agenda in PDF.

Sacramento is at a tipping point. What’s the future of housing, sprawl and racial inequality?

June 12, 2023 | By Ryan Lillis

The Sacramento region is at a tipping point. And the next few years will determine what shape we leave it in for the next generation. The region’s housing is less expensive than California’s coastal cities, a selling point that motivated thousands of new residents to move inland since the start of the pandemic. Yet housing prices and rents have skyrocketed the past three years, and fewer than one-third of residents here can now afford to buy the median-priced home. Within the past few months, the Sacramento area became a “minority-majority” region, meaning white residents now make up less than 50% of the population. Still, substantial racial disparities in income, education and access to housing persist, even after the racial reckoning of 2020. Many commercial corridors remain starved for investment, especially those running through lower-income neighborhoods.

Read more at:

ECOS Transportation Team Meeting 6/1

Join us Thursday, June 1, 2023, 6:00 pm, on Zoom!

Link to join:
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

6:00pm Welcome from Sam Rice, Transportation Team Lead, and Ralph Propper, Climate Committee Chair; and Attendee Introductions

6:10pm I Street Bridge Replacement Project: What this bridge can deliver for Local and Regional Mobility
• Presentation by Greg Taylor from the City of Sacramento

6:40pm Streets for People: Sacramento Active Transportation Plan
• Presentation by Jeff Jelsma from the City of Sacramento

7:10pm Update on 2024 SMART transportation funding measure

7:15pm General Discussion; Announcements; Opportunities for advocacy

7:30pm Adjourn

This meeting is open to everyone interested in addressing one of our region’s most pressing challenges.

Click here for the agenda in PDF.

Congratulations to SacRT on 50 Years of Service!

April 1, 2023 marked SacRT’s 50th anniversary of operation. ECOS celebrates this important milestone with SacRT by looking back at Sacramento’s history and celebrating what is to come. SacRT has played an integral role in generations of Sacramentans. Transit is woven into the fabric of daily life across the Sacramento region.

ECOS supports the insertion of dense development around existing light rail stations and major bus corridors, and the continued expansion of the transit network in our region.

Learn more about the history of SacRT, check out their Anniversary Pop-Up Events and more, please visit

SACOG delays MTP/SCS to align with MTC and SJCOG to enhance interregional coordination

On March 3, 2023, ECOS sent a letter of support for Assembly Bill 350, which would facilitate greater interregional collaboration by more closely aligning the Sacramento Area Council of Government’s (SACOG) sustainable communities strategy update with those of its regional partners, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG), both for SACOG’s current plan update and into the future.

Click here to view the letter.

Click here to view a fact sheet on AB 350.