Want to help improve transportation in Sacramento?

Do you walk, bike or roll using a wheelchair or mobility scooter? Or if you don’t, do you have thoughts on how to make transportation more effective?
Would you like to help improve our sidewalks, bikeways, crosswalks and access to transit?

If the answer is yes, here’s your opportunity to help.

The City of Sacramento is looking for community members to apply to be part of one of the three Sacramento Active Streets community planning teams.

The three planning teams will focus on North Sacramento, Fruitridge/Broadway and South Sacramento areas.

“Each plan will identify locations to improve walking, biking, and access to transit – like sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes and more,” said Leslie Mancebo, the City’s transportation planner. “A critical part of the planning process will be community engagement, and we are currently putting together these community planning teams to serve as local experts/advisors throughout the process.”

The City’s Active Streets plans are designed to improve safety and comfort for walking, biking, rolling and accessing transit.

Members of the community planning teams will advise City staff throughout the process to ensure that community voices and priorities are heard. As a member of a community planning Ttam, selected participants will be responsible for:

  • Attending up to seven approximately one-hour meetings between March 2022 and June 2023
  • Suggesting opportunities for community engagement events (e.g., farmers markets, school resource fairs, etc.)
  • Helping spread the word about the plans and about ways to get involved
  • Advising City staff to ensure voices of all residents are captured in the plan
  • Each planning team member will receive a $75 gift card for each meeting attended.

Those interested in applying can do so on the City’s website. Applications close March 4.

ECOS letter in advance of Sac City Council transportation workshop

On February 7, 2022, the Environmental Council submitted a letter to the City of Sacramento in regards to their transportation workshop, scheduled for February 8, 2022.

The Council has acknowledged the need to address the impacts of climate change by declaring a climate emergency in December 2019. However, we are far from meeting the City’s carbon neutrality goal – we need plans and funding. The City is making progress on building electrification, but the most important sector for meeting our climate neutrality goal is transportation, which accounts for over half of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Click here to read the letter in full.

Photo by Bruno Thethe from Pexels

New Federal Leadership on Planning Emphasis Areas (PEAs)

January 5, 2022

This week, FTA and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued updated Planning Emphasis Areas (PEAs). In the letter announcing the revised PEAs, FTA Administrator Nuria Fernandez and the FHWA Deputy Administrator Stephanie Pollack are asking FTA and FHWA field offices to work with their metropolitan planning organizations, state Departments of Transportation, transit agencies, and federal land management agencies to incorporate these PEAs into their Unified Planning Work Programs and State Planning and Research Work Programs.

Several of these emphasis areas focus on the Biden-Harris Administration’s goals of advancing equity and environmental justice in transportation planning, which will help achieve greenhouse gas reduction goals and increase resilience to extreme weather events resulting from climate change. These efforts will better support regional and local governments as they plan for future transportation needs in their communities. There is considerable flexibility in how metropolitan planning organizations and State DOTs can incorporate the PEAs into the transportation planning process. Recognizing the variability and timing of transportation planning processes, FTA and FHWA encourage these PEAs to be incorporated as programs are updated.

Learn about: Sacramento’s Transportation Priorities Plan – Nov 8

Transportation Talk: November 8th 2021

Register for 350 Sacramento’s Transportation Talk to hear from the City of Sacramento’s Transportation Planning Manager, Jennifer Donlon Wyant. Monday, November 8th from 6:00-7:00pm! Co-hosted by ECOS! Click here to register: https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/YOQ8-scFzjWh1kODVQ8FeA

Learn about: Sacramento’s Transportation Priorities Plan

Over 50% of Sacramento’s GHGs are from transportation and the City has about $5 billion in unfunded transportation needs. The Transportation Priorities Plan (TPP) will develop a prioritized list of transportation investments based on agreed upon values. The City completed Phase 1 of the TPP, engaging Sacramento’s communities about their transportation values. Jennifer will present the summary of community engagement and recommended prioritization criteria based on community values.

Photo by Scott Webb from Pexels

A new transportation sales tax? Come learn more Nov 4

The principal topic for ECOS’s Transportation, Air Quality and Climate Change Committee (TAQCC) meeting this Thursday, Nov. 4th will be will be an effort led by the Sacramento business community to put a transportation sales tax measure on the November 2022 ballot using a citizens initiative process. We understand that this measure would be very similar to Measure A+ prepared by the Sacramento Transportation Authority (STA) in 2020 but withdrawn before the election, and would require only a simple majority for passage. Roger Dickinson and Steve Cohn will provide us with details about this initiative.

Link to join this Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85805612058
To phone in: 669 900 6833, Meeting ID: 858 0561 2058

Click here for the agenda.

In addition, Susan Herre (ECOS President-Elect) will present a proposed reorganization of ECOS committees, with the goal of making ECOS a more effective organization.

Image from https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=382425&picture=clouds-sky-blue-cumulus