Proposed Elk Grove Hospital Draft Environmental Impact Report Released

August 14, 2020

The City of Elk Grove released the draft environmental impact report (“DEIR”) for the California Northstate University (“CNU”) Hospital Project (“Project”) on August 14, 2020, finally giving the public the first look at the Project’s potentially significant environmental impacts and an opportunity to provide comments.

Who: The City is the lead agency for the Project, meaning it is responsible for preparing the DEIR and complying with the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”).

What: The Project is the total redevelopment of the shopping center located directly east of Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge and north-west of impact mitigation land for Swainson’s hawk. The Cosumnes River Preserve is only 12 miles from the Project site. CNU, a for-profit medical school already operating on site, intends to construct a 12-story hospital topped with a helipad, a dormitory, and numerous parking and auxiliary structures. The Project would be developed in three phases over a period of 10 years.

When: The 45-day public comment period began on August 14, 2020 with the release of the DEIR.

The deadline to submit written comments and receive a response in the Final EIR is 5:00 pm on September 28, 2020.

Oral comments may be provided at the September 16, 2020 City Council meeting and the City will provide responses to those comments in the Final EIR as well.

Where: The DEIR and supporting documents is available at: Physical copies of the DEIR are available at the City Planning Division counter at 8401 Laguna Palms Way, Elk Grove, CA 95758.

Why: Concerned members of the public should submit comments on the Project to demonstrate opposition to this intrusive Project that would have negative consequences for residents and wildlife alike. The City is already conceding that the Project would have significant impacts that cannot be mitigated. With respect to impacts to local residents, the Draft EIR admits that the Project would create light and noise pollution and increase criteria air pollutant emissions. The Project also poses a significant threat to native protected species like Swainson’s hawk, sandhill cranes and burrowing owls that inhabit the Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge and surrounding habitat. Noise and light pollution would disturb roosting birds, while helicopter flights and the massive hospital building would pose a danger for bird strikes. Long-term, the Project would contribute to depleting groundwater levels and impaired air quality. Now is the time for the public to voice their concerns and let the City know that Project is not right for Elk Grove.

Elk Grove Multi-Sport Complex Site Update

July 21, 2020

Heads up! The City of Elk Grove is still trying to acquire more land to develop, despite having thousands of acres that are available to develop within their sphere of influence. The next action deadline is August 19, 2020.

The latest move by the City of Elk Grove is called the Multi-Sport Complex Site and Southeast Grant Line Industrial Annexation Area. Here is where the project is in the environmental review process, under the California Environmental Quality Act.

There are four general stages to the CEQA process and the Supplemental EIR:

  1. Notice of Preparation and Scoping – Under this stage, the City provides notice (through a Notice of Preparation) that a Supplemental EIR will be prepared. This provides other local and State agencies, as well as the public, with an opportunity to comment on the scope of the EIR.
  2. Draft SEIR – The City will prepare and release for public comment, a draft Supplemental EIR. The EIR will be available on this page for review and comment.
  3. Final SEIR – The City will review comments received on the draft Supplemental EIR and prepare responses to comments, along with technical corrections to the draft Supplemental EIR. This will be documented in a Final EIR.
  4. Certification – Once the Final Supplemental EIR is prepared, the document will be presented to the Planning Commission and City Council for review. The City Council will be asked to certify the document. Once certification is completed the City Council may approve the General Plan amendment, prezoning, and initiate the annexation application with LAFCo.

The Supplemental EIR is currently at Step 1, Notice of Preparation and Scoping. A Notice of Preparation (NOP) has been prepared and is available for review.

The comment period for the NOP is from July 20, 2020 to August 19, 2020. Comments may be mailed, emailed, or submitted using the form on their website.

To learn more, visit the project’s website at

Climate Planning in Galt

On June 29, 2020, the Environmental Council of Sacramento, Sierra Club Sacramento Group and 350 Sacramento submitted comments on three projects being planned for the City of Galt. Our comments focus on potential (Greenhouse Gas) GHG impacts.

Click the links below to view each letter.

Judge rejects San Diego County’s climate action plan

By Richard Allyn, Reporter

Posted: Dec 28, 2018 9:40 PM PST
Updated: Dec 28, 2018 10:53 PM PST

CBS 8 San Diego

SAN DIEGO (NEWS 8) – Environmental activists are calling on San Diego County leaders to adopt a new climate action plan.

For the third time, a judge Friday rejected San Diego County’s plan, saying it doesn’t comply with goals for reduced emissions. It was a ruling that environmental leaders praised and they used the moment to urge the County Board of Supervisors to create a comprehensive climate action plan.

The new court ruling found that San Diego County’s climate action plan fails to comply with its own and the state’s goals of cutting back on carbon emissions. The judge rejected the county’s proposal to use carbon credits from out of the county or out of the country, saying that offsetting greenhouse gas emissions in other parts of the world does nothing to help us here at home.

Click here for the full story.

Creating Sustainable Communities and Landscapes

Recommended practices and tools for local collaboration on climate-smart growth

Published: October 8, 2018

By the Strategic Growth Council

The State of California has a rich history of environmental leadership. With some of the most beautiful landscapes and fertile soils in the country, we have much to protect and conserve. As the State’s population grows towards fifty million people, infrastructure demands place intensified levels of stress on California’s agricultural and natural wealth. In order to address these challenges, California has led the charge nationally to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions, because we recognize that this battle is not only about the environment – it is also about protecting the well-being of our families and communities. To ensure the prosperous future of our State, we must shift to a more conscientious approach to land use planning in California – one that balances the needs of conservation and development. In order to balance these priorities, the State has put new laws in place for new housing and infill development, community resilience, economic growth in urban and rural areas, and set an ambitious target for carbon neutrality by 2045 that relies upon efficient and orderly growth across California.

Developed through a collaboration among the Strategic Growth Council, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research and the California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions (CALAFCO), this paper is intended to help support coordination among local entities to advance efficient growth and conservation of natural resources. The document highlights case studies in which LAFCos, cities, counties and special districts successfully partnered to reduce suburban sprawl and increase the conservation of natural and working lands, while also considering how to improve community resilience. It also aims to raise awareness of available tools and resources that can be used to create more environmentally and economically sustainable communities throughout California.

California, State of. “AnnouncementCreating Sustainable Communities and Landscapes: Recommended Practices and Tools for Local Collaboration on Climate-Smart Growth.”, Strategic Growth Council, 8 Oct. 2018,

Read the paper by clicking here.

Elk Grove Sphere of Influence

Elk Grove SOI

Elk Grove SOI map

Location of the proposed expansion of the Elk Grove Sphere of Influence. Click on image to view full size.


  • FAQs: Sphere of Influence (SOI).
  • Final EIR: Revisions and corrections to the Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report for Elk Grove’s Proposed SOI Amendment (Sept. 27, 2013).
  • Comment letter in response to the Final EIR (November 4, 2013).
  • Draft EIR: Elk Grove Proposed Sphere of Influence Recirculated Draft EIR (March 21, 2013).
  • Comment letter in response to the Recirculated Draft EIR (May 20, 2013).
  • Article: “Elk Grove wants to expand its boundaries by 8,000 acres” (Sacramento Bee, Oct. 7, 2013).
  • Editorial: “Elk Grove should concentrate on jobs in its existing core” (Sacramento Bee, Sept. 25, 2013).
  • Editorial: “Elk Grove’s growth plan is an overreach” (Sacramento Bee, March 26, 2012).
  • Article: “Elk Grove’s proposal to expand encounters early questions” (Sacramento Bee, Apr. 7, 2012).

Elk Grove wants to expand its size by 30 percent

What’s really scary? Elk Grove wants to expand its size by 30 percent, with concrete covering the farmland and wildlife habitat south of the City. That is the plan that Elk Grove has submitted to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo), a little known public agency responsible for ensuring orderly development and protection of open space and farmland. You can help defeat this proposal and help LAFCo make better choices for our region. Check the LAFCo website for updates and sign up at the ECOS website for action alerts.

We need your help NOW!

LAFCo begins hearings soon on Elk Grove’s request to include 8,000 acres south of its current city limits within its Sphere of Influence. Approval would give the city a green light to annex and develop the land. This request is the largest urban expansion ever to come before LAFCo.

LAFCo staff recommendation includes a “Regional Enhanced Alternative,” which is a reduced footprint scenario for the SOI of 4000+ acres. Since there has been no demonstration of any need for expansion beyond current Elk Grove’s city limits to accommodate growth, ECOS remains in full opposition to the alternative recommendation as well.

Please send a letter or email to the Commissioners at:

Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission.
1112 I Street, Suite 100 , Sacramento, CA 95814-2836
Fax: (916) 874.2939 Email: commissionclerk[at]saclafco[dot]org

Top Ten Reasons for Denying Elk Grove’s Overreach

By Rob Burness, ECOS Board member & Habitat 2020 Co-chair

Elk Grove’s leaders would have us believe they simply want to plan for their future and improve their job housing balance. Others have tried to characterize the issues as jobs vs. environment. But there is regional significance far beyond that simple calculus. Here are ten reasons why LAFCo should turn down Elk Grove’s overreaching request:Continue reading