WHAT: Attend the Upcoming City Council Special Meeting
WHEN: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 2:00pm
WHERE: City Hall, 915 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
WHY: The Sacramento Investment Without Displacement coalition has spent the last four years working with the City of Sacramento to establish a Community Benefits Agreement Ordinance for Council consideration. In the City’s updated CBAO (view the posting here on the City’s CBAO website) most of SIWD’s demands to ensure that community voice is at the table have continued NOT to be met nor included in the CBAO drafts. We are asking our SIWD partners, our trusted messengers, serving our most vulnerable, to REJECT THE CURRENT VERSION of the CBAO that will be up for consideration next week. Your leadership and support are critical to establishing a true CBAO that will include community voices at the decision-making table and ensure that benefits come back to the community in future developments.
The council meeting will begin at 2:00. All public comment requests will be accepted before the staff presentation is complete.
To make a public comment at the meeting:
- Complete a speaker slip located in the back of the room (near the large glass windows)
- This will be the only agenda item for that day.
- Complete the form and hand it to the clerks at the front of the room
To submit an e-comment: - Go to https://sacramento.granicusideas.com/meetings/5231-2-00-pm-city-council-special-meeting/agenda_items
- Choose your position and share your thoughts
- Click on ‘Submit Comment’ to complete
If you have additional questions about the presentation, feel free to send them directly to info[dot]saciwd[at]gmail[dot]com.
In Community,
Sacramento Investment Without Displacement Members