ECOS Letter to Sac County re Climate Action Plan

On March 23rd, 2022, Sacramento County held a workshop on their CLimate Action Plan. ECOS, Sierra Club, 350 Sacramento, as well as several other organizations and many residents, provided testimony during the workshop.

ECOS submitted a letter preceding the meeting, stating:

We’re grateful for the effort that County staff has made developing this CAP draft. However, it doesn’t address the biggest change we need to make: we need to increase housing in ways that don’t increase commute distances and thereby make our air and climate less healthy.

Click here to read our letter in full.

California’s climate action plans fall behind on equity, sticking instead to boilerplate solutions, new study says

By Manola Secaira | February 28, 2022 | Capitol Public Radio

Sacramento County’s climate action plan is almost finished. When it’s complete, it will join the dozens of other California cities and counties that have created plans to combat climate change on a local level in the last couple decades.

But despite their growing popularity, these plans aren’t without criticism. Environmental justice groups often find faults in their approach – or lack thereof – when it comes to including equity in their planning, like how they address affordable housing or funding public transportation.

Click here to read the article.

Sacramento County Climate Action Plan

February 17, 2022

Sacramento County staff are hard at work on the County’s Climate Action Plan (CAP), which aims to significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and prepare the County for climate-related impacts for decades to come.

​The revised final draft of the CAP, and associated environmental document, are available for review and will be heard at a Board of Supervisors workshop in March 2021. You may review the revised final draft of the CAP, and associated environmental document, by viewing the links below. The public comment period is open from Thursday, February 17 to Wednesday, March 23, 2022.​

Click here to learn more: