Climate Rally at Sac City Hall on June 25

ECOS encourages your participation in this rally (with safe distancing).

From the Sacramento Climate Coalition:

The heat this year has already been another brutal reminder that our planet is heating up. The current heatwave, like last summer’s, is worse because of climate change, and is just a foretaste of what the weather will bring going forward. The climate emergency requires an immediate response from our government officials!

Join us Friday, June 25 at 10:30 am to 11:30 am on the patio in front of City Hall, 915 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 to demand our elected officials and city staffers use 2030 as their goal for eliminating GHG emissions, as they committed to in 2019 when they adopted the Climate Emergency Declaration. Unfortunately when staff make presentations, and when the Mayor made a recent commitment to start the process of planning for electrification of existing buildings: they use 2045 as the goal. As scientists tell us this is simply not fast enough to avoid the worst of what climate change has in store.

We will have signs and banners and maintain social distancing. But of course you can bring your own signs if you wish. You can learn more about this campaign to get the City to join SMUD and the County for a Carbon Free 2030 at our website’s Take Action page.

Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels