Join the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission on August 26th from 5:30 to 7:00pm for a Virtual Community Open House to learn more about the proposed Elk Grove Station, ask questions, and provide your feedback.
The proposed Elk Grove Station is one of the six proposed stations that would be part of the Valley Rail Sacramento Extension Project which is a planned passenger rail service between Stockton and Sacramento. Register for the open house here:
The City of Sacramento has begun work on its 2040 General Plan (including a Transportation Priorities Plan) which will be the City’s blueprint for how and where Sacramento will grow over the next 20 years. In parallel, the City will also be preparing a Climate Action Plan, a framework to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and establish Sacramento as a climate leader. Todd Litman will advise us how to influence these major planning efforts, to ensure that last year’s recommendations of the Mayors’ Commission on Climate Change (including those adopted by its Mobility Technical Advisory Committee) are fully implemented.
The balance of the meeting will be devoted to updates on other active issues, such as the County Climate Action Plan, Climate Emergency Declarations, the proposed expansion of the CapCity bridge over the American River, and other topics raised by attendees.
When: Thursday, August 12th, 2021 at 6 pm Where: Videoconference, hosted by Zoom Link to join TAQCC Meeting: To phone in: 1-669 900 6833, Meeting ID: 858 0561 2058
As part of its long-term planning, the City of Sac is doing a transportation project to set priorities. It’s really important for people who value clean air and equity, and who are concerned about climate, to weigh in.
Sacramento County’s draft Communitywide Climate Action Plan (CAP), which addresses greenhouse gas reductions and climate change adaptation, is now available for public review.
An online workshop on the draft CAP will take place via Zoom at the Sacramento County Environmental Commission (SEC) meeting on Monday, March 15, at 6 p.m. The workshop will be an opportunity for the public and the SEC to provide feedback on the draft CAP.
Your local transit operators and the regional transportation planning agency, the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), are looking for comments and suggestions that will help plan and improve transit services in Sacramento, Yolo, Yuba and Sutter counties.
You can share your comments on transit services in the four counties in a number of ways.