Do you walk, bike, take transit, or drive on Stockton Boulevard?
Help choose which features will be used to improve Stockton Boulevard from Alhambra Boulevard to 47th Avenue in the City of Sacramento!
City transportation planners have just launched a survey to hear what features residents would like to see on this roughly four-mile stretch of Stockton Boulevard in southeastern Sacramento.
The City of Sacramento has created some options that aim to improve safety and mobility for people using all modes of transportation. They need to get opinions from YOU, the people who walk, bike, take transit, and drive on Stockton Boulevard.
Thank you in advance for your input! This survey will take approximately 5 minutes. Also available in Spanish or Vietnamese.
Deadline: June 30, 2020
Click here for the City’s announcement of this survey.
Click here to learn more about the the Stockton Boulevard Corridor Study.