On July 12, 2021, at a Special Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) meeting (Joint Session: Land Use & Transportation, Air Quality and Climate Change Committees) architect David Mogavero spoke to ECOS.

How can we encourage infill development and discourage green-field development?
David Mogavero is a Board Member of the Council of Infill Builders, and a past president of ECOS.
David Mogavero addressed these questions:
- How do we calculate infill capacity?
- How many market-rate and affordable dwelling units will we need in our region?
- How much infill housing development capacity do we have?
- Would still we need more greenfield development?
- What density criteria are used to determine needed infill development capacity?
- What are potential problems with larger high-density infill developments?
- Nearby residents often resist higher density, affordable housing near transit hubs.
- Small, high-density infill development problems:
- Do we need accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and multiplex housing?
- How can we make small projects easier to finance and build?
Missed it?
Click here for David Mogavero’s slideshow.
More Info
Learn more about ECOS committees here: https://www.ecosacramento.net/about-us/committees.
To learn more about the Council of Infill Developers, visit their website at http://www.councilofinfillbuilders.org/.