On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, the City of Sacramento city council unanimously rejected the Community Benefits Agreement Ordinance as proposed.
In a letter to the council, the [Sacramento Investment Without Displacement] coalition argued that the city failed to amend the ordinance with three main recommendations it made in February:
Ensuring residents can stay in their neighborhood through minimum benefits around affordable housing, transportation, workforce development and small/local business protections.
Community engagement in the negotiation process.
Community oversight to enforce the ordinance in a way that makes sure the community gets the benefits for their neighborhoods.
WHAT: Attend the Upcoming City Council Special Meeting WHEN: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 2:00pm WHERE: City Hall, 915 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 WHY: The Sacramento Investment Without Displacement coalition has spent the last four years working with the City of Sacramento to establish a Community Benefits Agreement Ordinance for Council consideration. In the City’s updated CBAO (view the posting here on the City’s CBAO website) most of SIWD’s demands to ensure that community voice is at the table have continued NOT to be met nor included in the CBAO drafts. We are asking our SIWD partners, our trusted messengers, serving our most vulnerable, to REJECT THE CURRENT VERSION of the CBAO that will be up for consideration next week. Your leadership and support are critical to establishing a true CBAO that will include community voices at the decision-making table and ensure that benefits come back to the community in future developments. The council meeting will begin at 2:00. All public comment requests will be accepted before the staff presentation is complete.
To make a public comment at the meeting:
Complete a speaker slip located in the back of the room (near the large glass windows)
This will be the only agenda item for that day.
Complete the form and hand it to the clerks at the front of the room To submit an e-comment:
Click on ‘Submit Comment’ to complete If you have additional questions about the presentation, feel free to send them directly to info[dot]saciwd[at]gmail[dot]com.
In Community,
Sacramento Investment Without Displacement Members
In 2021, the city of Sacramento promised to require real estate developers pursing major construction projects to provide benefits to local neighborhoods. More than two years after the draft law was initially reviewed by the city council, negotiations remain in limbo — with advocates having awaited next steps from the city for almost six months.
Join Sacramento Investment Without Displacement (SIWD) on Thursday, February 29 from 6-7:00pm as we present our progress and work with the City of Sacramento to craft a Community Benefits Agreement Ordinance. We will also share how community members can provide input to the process. Register here: https://bit.ly/3HH6T4w.
Please attend and/or send an organizational representative to the upcoming City Council Community Benefits Agreement Ordinance (CBAO) workshop happening Tuesday February 27, 2024 at 2pm at City Hall. SIWD partners will be attending this workshop and are calling all our coalition partners and community members’ voices to have a presence at this meeting.
If you are unable to attend or send a representative, please consider signing on to the SIWD letter (linked below) and/or submit your own letter on your organization’s letterhead by next Monday February 26, 2024.
See below for more details and steps you can take today.
WHAT: Attend the Upcoming City Council Workshop or Sign on to the SIWD Letter (see attached) WHEN: Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 2pm WHERE: City Hall, 915 I St, Sacramento, CA 95814 WHY: The Sacramento Investment Without Displacement coalition has spent the last four years working with the City of Sacramento to establish a Community Benefits Agreement Ordinance for Council consideration. In the most recent and updated CBAO (view the posting here on the City’s CBAO website) most of SIWD’s demands to ensure that community voice is at the table have NOT been met nor included in the CBAO drafts. We are asking our SIWD partners, our trusted messengers, serving our most vulnerable, to help push these demands to be included in the City’s CBAO. Your leadership and support is critical to establishing a true CBAO that will include community voices at the decision-making table and ensure that benefits come back to the community in future developments.
Steps to attend the workshop or sign on to our SIWD letter:
If you or someone from your organization will be attending the workshop and would like to join our SIWD partners for an in-person prep lunch/rally from 12:30-1:30pm right before the workshop at the Civic Thread office, please RSVP at this link here. We will walk over to city hall as a group and attend the CBAO workshop.
Join Sacramento Investment Without Displacement and Councilmember Katie Valenzuela to learn more about Community Benefits Agreements (CBAs) and how they have significantly impacted other cities. We will also have a discussion on the CBA Ordinance for the City of Sacramento and what should be included as the Ordinance is being developed.