Kassis Property in SN&R

As vote looms over Rancho Cordova’s last open space, city’s mayor and vice mayor took money from the developer aiming to build over it

By Scott Thomas Anderson | March 24, 2021 | Sacramento News and Review

For months a coalition of Rancho Cordova nature-lovers has been trying to protect the city’s last unspoiled haven along the American River – some 40 acres of grassy, oak-studded wildlife shelter with captivating ties to history and some of the oldest Native American burial sites in the region. If they win, this pastoral property along the brushy shoreline could become a park or learning center. If they lose, it will become 244 tract houses, 24 of which will block one of the most picturesque river views in all of Sacramento.

Click here to read the article.

Natomas Basin Habitat Conservation Plan Presentation, by John Roberts, Mar 23, 2021

On March 23, 2021, John Roberts, Executive Director of the Natomas Basin Conservancy, presented to ECOS about the Natomas Basin Habitat Conservation Plan. It was an excellent and provocative presentation, and now we understand more about the Plan and have a sense of the difficulties ahead.

Click here to view John Roberts’ powerpoint presentation.

Click here to view ECOS President-Elect Susan Herre’s notes on the meeting.

Click here to download the Zoom recording of the meeting.

Sac County’s General Plan Annual Report

March 23, 2021

Today the Environmental Council of Sacramento and 350 Sacramento submitted a joint comment letter regarding the County’s General Plan Annual Report, which is on the Board of Supervisors’ March 24 Meeting Agenda as Item No 6.

Click here to read the letter.

Photo by Emily Hopper from Pexels

Natomas Basin Conservancy presentation, Mar 23, 2021

March 23, 2021 — Join ECOS for a presentation on the Natomas Basin Conservancy: Sacramento’s original Habitat Conservation Plan, with John Roberts, Executive Director of the Natomas Basin Conservancy. He will be discussing the accomplishments and challenges in the face of proposed major development in the Natomas Basin.

The Natomas Basin Conservancy is the entity responsible for implementing the Natomas Basin Habitat Conservation Plan. John Roberts is their first and only director. Roberts is an economist by training whose career has focused on managing non profits in the Sacramento region. He previously managed the California Rice Growers Association and the Metro Chamber of Commerce.

“In essence, the Conservancy provides refuge and sanctuary for wildlife displaced by urban activity in the Natomas Basin. Annual biological monitoring by independent third parties demonstrates wildlife is thriving on Conservancy-owned mitigation land.”

-John Roberts, Executive Director

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