Sacramento City Council rejects anti-displacement ordinance that critics called ‘counterproductive’ December 3, 2024, CapRadio

Gerardo Zavala | December 3, 2024 | CapRadio

In a letter to the council, the [Sacramento Investment Without Displacement] coalition argued that the city failed to amend the ordinance with three main recommendations it made in February:

  • Ensuring residents can stay in their neighborhood through minimum benefits around affordable housing, transportation, workforce development and small/local business protections.
  • Community engagement in the negotiation process.
  • Community oversight to enforce the ordinance in a way that makes sure the community gets the benefits for their neighborhoods.

Click here to read the article in full.

ECOS Orientation 12/11/2024

Come learn what ECOS is all about! Attend our monthly orientation session on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 from 6:00 – 6:30pm via Zoom to get a broad overview of what ECOS does, why it matters and what you can do to help! This orientation can also help anyone wanting to learn more about environmental issues in the Sacramento region. We will cover our current goals that involve climate change prevention, promoting infill over sprawl development, transit, habitat protection and the wise use of water resources, among others.

ACTION ALERT: Sacramento Investment Without Displacement

WHAT: Attend the Upcoming City Council Special Meeting
WHEN: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 2:00pm
WHERE: City Hall, 915 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
WHY: The Sacramento Investment Without Displacement coalition has spent the last four years working with the City of Sacramento to establish a Community Benefits Agreement Ordinance for Council consideration. In the City’s updated CBAO (view the posting here on the City’s CBAO website) most of SIWD’s demands to ensure that community voice is at the table have continued NOT to be met nor included in the CBAO drafts. We are asking our SIWD partners, our trusted messengers, serving our most vulnerable, to REJECT THE CURRENT VERSION of the CBAO that will be up for consideration next week. Your leadership and support are critical to establishing a true CBAO that will include community voices at the decision-making table and ensure that benefits come back to the community in future developments.
The council meeting will begin at 2:00. All public comment requests will be accepted before the staff presentation is complete.

To make a public comment at the meeting:

  1. Complete a speaker slip located in the back of the room (near the large glass windows)
  2. This will be the only agenda item for that day.
  3. Complete the form and hand it to the clerks at the front of the room
    To submit an e-comment:
  4. Go to
  5. Choose your position and share your thoughts
  6. Click on ‘Submit Comment’ to complete
    If you have additional questions about the presentation, feel free to send them directly to info[dot]saciwd[at]gmail[dot]com.

In Community,

Sacramento Investment Without Displacement Members

ECOS Opposes new Crocker Village Residential Development Proposal

The Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) opposes the request by Crocker Village Residential Development to construct 61 housing units on ±4.86 vacant acres within the R-4A-PUD and SC-PUD zones and Curtis Park Village Planned Unit Development (PUD), located at 2325 10th Avenue. 

This acreage has a Multi-Family Housing designation, which is appropriate considering its proximity to Sacramento Regional Transit’s light rail station at City College. SACOG supported funding for the bike/pedestrian bridge from this development to the light rail station based on the understanding that this would be a transit-oriented development.

ECOS is opposed to a PUD Schematic Plan Amendment to develop single-unit dwellings instead. We have two crises that must be addressed: our severe shortage of affordable housing, and climate change. In Sacramento, the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions is from cars. Multi-Family Housing near a light-rail station addresses both these crises, and therefore this designation must be preserved.

Click here to read our comments as submitted.

Neighborhood Connections Public Draft Plan Virtual Citywide Workshops, 11/20

From the City of Sacramento:

The [City of Sacramento] Department of Public Works’ Transportation Planning team invites community members to participate in two upcoming virtual workshops to review and provide input on the latest piece of the Streets for People Active Transportation Plan.

The Streets for People Plan is based on over two years of community engagement that included attending over 70 events and countless conversations with community members about their vision.

One aspect of the plan includes identifying the Neighborhood Connections network that will create low-stress, comfortable connections on neighborhood streets by identifying key corridors for traffic calming to reduce driver speeds and improve quality of life.

Earlier this summer, staff released initial draft recommendations and are now presenting the Neighborhood Connections Public Draft Plan for additional discussion.

“These workshops are an important opportunity for community members to share their perspectives, ask questions, and help shape the plan, specifically for their needs and priorities in their own neighborhoods,” said Jeff Jelsma, transportation planner with the Department of Public Works. “We believe that the more voices we bring into this process, the stronger and more inclusive the final plan will be for Sacramento.”

Neighborhood Connections Public Draft Plan Virtual Citywide Workshop #1
Wednesday, Nov. 13, 6-7:30 p.m.

Neighborhood Connections Public Draft Plan Virtual Citywide Workshop #2
Wednesday, Nov. 20, 12-1:30 p.m.

The Neighborhood Connections Public Draft Plan will be available from Nov. 4 to Dec. 1 for public review and comment.

The Neighborhood Connections, when implemented, will encourage more active transportation, such as walking and bicycling, allowing the city to reach climate action goals set in the Climate Action and Adaption Plan.

For more info, please visit