ECOS Orientation 1/21/2025

Come learn what ECOS is all about! Attend our monthly orientation session on Tuesday, January 21 from 6:00 – 6:30pm via Zoom to get a broad overview of what ECOS does, why it matters and what you can do to help! This orientation can also help anyone wanting to learn more about environmental issues in the Sacramento region. We will cover our current goals that involve climate change prevention, promoting infill over sprawl development, transit, habitat protection and the wise use of water resources, among others.

Sacramento Parking Revisions Virtual Community Project Update Meetings, 11/13 + 11/14

The City of Sacramento is proposing limits on car parking spaces for certain projects, along with improved parking management and increased bicycle parking requirements to encourage more cycling. Join one of our two virtual community meetings to share your feedback!

About: The City approved a new policy in February 2024 to no longer require any property to supply car parking if they do not want to. The City now wants to go further and make sure projects do not supply too much car parking, which uses land inefficiently and increases costs for businesses and residents. Refining the City’s parking management practices will further improve the efficient provision of parking in Sacramento, while increasing the supply of bicycle parking will make it easier for Sacramentans to bike more often.

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13, 2024 10:00 AM

THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 2024 5:30 PM

Make Polluters Pay 8/26/2024

Rally at the Capitol to Make Polluters Pay!

When: Monday, August 26, 2024 at 12:00 pm

Where: California State Capitol — SW Corner near 10th and N St

We’re just days away from the California State Senate voting on three transformative bills to hold Big Oil accountable and protect communities from deadly oil and gas pollution. We have the momentum on our side, but we need a few more senators to vote yes for these crucial protections.

Sign up for the rally to show our legislators there is huge support for these protections.

Senators will be reviewing hundreds of bills in the final two weeks of the session – we need to capture their attention now and win their support. And, lobby groups for the oil industry have spent millions of dollars to try and sink these bills and protect Big Oil profits. One oil industry group may even be planning a demonstration next Monday at the Capitol as well.

ECOS is co-sponsoring this event. Contact Alexandra Reagan at office[at]ecosacramento[dot]net to help staff the event for ECOS. Recruit others from your networks!

Learn more about the bills:

  • Idle Well Clean-Up (AB 1866 – Hart): Forces oil companies to clean up their idle wells much faster.
  • Low-Producing Well Accountability Act (AB 2716 – Bryan): Fines oil companies operating in the Inglewood Oil Field $10,000/month for operating low-producing wells near communities.
  • Local Environmental Choice and Safety Act (AB 3233 – Addis): Protects local governments’ authority to restrict oil & gas production in their jurisdictions.

Event cosponsors include ECOS, 350 Sacramento, California Environmental Justice Alliance, Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, Central California Environmental Justice Network, Food & Water Watch, Greenpeace USA, Last Chance Alliance, Sierra Club California and many more!

Sutter’s Landing Regional Park Site Plan Update Survey

The City of Sacramento’s Youth, Parks & Community Enrichment Department would like to gather public input from our neighbors of Sutter’s Landing Regional Park. The survey information will be used to help the city develop a Site Plan Update and Guidebook for the development of the site.

The survey is open June 10 through July 12. This survey is estimated to take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.



ECOS Special: Making Democracy Work 5/8/2024

Wednesday May 8, 2024
6:00-7:00 pm Discussion/Presentation w/Q&A at 7:00 pm

Join us for this special ECOS discussion and presentation

  • What is the League of Women Voters?
  • What is proportional representation?
  • How does Ranked Choice Voting fit in?
  • What’s the status of the National Popular Vote Compact?

Paula Lee
President of the League of Women Voters, SacCounty

Josh Rosa
Better Ballot Sacramento

Link to join:
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

Help Fight Urban Displacement

Sacramento Investment Without Displacement (SIWD) is a coalition of social justice organizations, neighborhood associations, labor groups, residents, and community partners organized to support building healthy communities and affordable housing, preserving cultural traditions, and the stability of neighborhoods impacted by big developments. ECOS helped start SIWD and continues to support its work.

Our request to you is for you and/or your organization is to sign on to our letter via this link to our Google Form.

SIWD has been working with the City of Sacramento for over two years to draft a citywide Community Benefits Agreement Ordinance (CBAO) to address the negative impacts of large developments on diverse communities going forward.

Since 2022, SIWD and the City have met weekly in an attempt to come to a compromise in developing the ordinance, however, we disagree on some major components included and not included in the City’s draft of the CBAO which was presented on April 18th. The Law & Legislation Committee will review the final and proposed ordinance language at their 1pm May 16th meeting. We want amendments to be made to the City’s ordinance before it comes before the full City Council.

Deadline to sign-on: 11:45AM, Tuesday May 16th, 2023