Sacramento City Council rejects anti-displacement ordinance that critics called ‘counterproductive’ December 3, 2024, CapRadio

Gerardo Zavala | December 3, 2024 | CapRadio

In a letter to the council, the [Sacramento Investment Without Displacement] coalition argued that the city failed to amend the ordinance with three main recommendations it made in February:

  • Ensuring residents can stay in their neighborhood through minimum benefits around affordable housing, transportation, workforce development and small/local business protections.
  • Community engagement in the negotiation process.
  • Community oversight to enforce the ordinance in a way that makes sure the community gets the benefits for their neighborhoods.

Click here to read the article in full.

ECOS Orientation 12/11/2024

Come learn what ECOS is all about! Attend our monthly orientation session on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 from 6:00 – 6:30pm via Zoom to get a broad overview of what ECOS does, why it matters and what you can do to help! This orientation can also help anyone wanting to learn more about environmental issues in the Sacramento region. We will cover our current goals that involve climate change prevention, promoting infill over sprawl development, transit, habitat protection and the wise use of water resources, among others.

Sacramento promised to require community benefits from developers. Has the city followed through? July 24, 2024, The Sacramento Bee

In 2021, the city of Sacramento promised to require real estate developers pursing major construction projects to provide benefits to local neighborhoods. More than two years after the draft law was initially reviewed by the city council, negotiations remain in limbo — with advocates having awaited next steps from the city for almost six months.

Read more at:

SIWD Presents: Community Workshop Update 2/29/24

Join Sacramento Investment Without Displacement (SIWD) on Thursday, February 29 from 6-7:00pm as we present our progress and work with the City of Sacramento to craft a Community Benefits Agreement Ordinance. We will also share how community members can provide input to the process. Register here:

SIWD Community Workshop 1/25/2024

Thursday, January 25, 2024, 5:30 – 7pm

SIWD PRESENTS: Community Benefits Agreement Presentation
Join Sacramento Investment Without Displacement to learn more about the work we have done around Community Benefits Agreements (CBA) and how they have significantly impacted other cities.

SIWD has been working with City of Sacramento Staff to implement a CBA ordinance. We will also give an update on where we are in this process. We will also discuss how residents and community members can join us and provide feedback and information.

The meeting will be virtual both on Facebook Live and Zoom.

To Attend our Virtual Meeting please register in the link: