End Fossil Fuels Action 9/17/23

In New York this September, the United Nations Secretary-General is hosting a first-of-its-kind Climate Ambition Summit to demand that nations stop the fossil fuel expansion that is driving the climate emergency. And thousands of activists around the world will take to the streets to demand their governments stop permitting fossil fuel projects.

Join us in Sacramento on Sunday September 17 to demand that Governor Newsom and President Biden End the Era of Fossil Fuels and commit to ending new permits and phasing out oil and gas production and declare a climate emergency.


Biden told us on the campaign trail that there would be no more oil drilling on federal lands. And yet, his administration has now permitted more fossil fuel projects than Trump, including Willow in Alaska, LNG in the Gulf, and fast-tracking the Mountain Valley Pipeline in the Virginias.

Biden’s failure is Newsom’s opportunity to show what real climate leadership looks like. While we have only seen 7 new oil drilling permits in California so far this year, oil drilling continues to happen just feet from homes, schools and hospitals all over the state.

This could be the moment that Newsom issues a moratorium on new oil drilling permits. We need people power to show him that is what Californians want.

Sign up to join us for an action to End the Era of Fossil Fuels on Sunday Sept 17th in Old Sacramento for a family-friendly day of action, featuring carnival games, a giant puppet show, speakers and performers. To volunteer at the event, contact ilonka[at]oilgasaction[dot]org.

Help Fight Urban Displacement

Sacramento Investment Without Displacement (SIWD) is a coalition of social justice organizations, neighborhood associations, labor groups, residents, and community partners organized to support building healthy communities and affordable housing, preserving cultural traditions, and the stability of neighborhoods impacted by big developments. ECOS helped start SIWD and continues to support its work.

Our request to you is for you and/or your organization is to sign on to our letter via this link to our Google Form.

SIWD has been working with the City of Sacramento for over two years to draft a citywide Community Benefits Agreement Ordinance (CBAO) to address the negative impacts of large developments on diverse communities going forward.

Since 2022, SIWD and the City have met weekly in an attempt to come to a compromise in developing the ordinance, however, we disagree on some major components included and not included in the City’s draft of the CBAO which was presented on April 18th. The Law & Legislation Committee will review the final and proposed ordinance language at their 1pm May 16th meeting. We want amendments to be made to the City’s ordinance before it comes before the full City Council.

Deadline to sign-on: 11:45AM, Tuesday May 16th, 2023

Youth Action Alert: Community Benefits Agreement Ordinance 5/9

Date & Time: TOMORROW May 9, 2023 06:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Location: via Zoom, register here

Sacramento Investment Without Displacement (SIWD) is a coalition of social justice organizations, neighborhood associations, labor groups, residents, and community partners organized to support building healthy communities and affordable housing, preserving cultural traditions, and the stability of neighborhoods impacted by big developments. You’re invited to a youth action alert session to learn how to make your voice heard on behalf of your community. We will share more about the CBAO background, SIWD’s process, and why the youth voice is so important. We’ll also do a letter-writing workshop to help you submit your thoughts to the City by the May 16th Deadline.

The first 10 youth registrants will receive $20 Door Dash gift cards to support with dinner for the evening**. ** must be a youth (age 13-24), must be in attendance, and must live in the City of Sacramento to qualify.

You can learn more about our stance here: https://bit.ly/3nlLlEd.

Get a head start and download the letter template here: bit.ly/3AQ4Jwb

Sacramento Earth Day 2023

Join us on Sunday, April 23, 2023, at Southside Park, Sacramento, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Sacramento Earth Day is the largest Earth Day celebration in the Sacramento region, providing people with the knowledge and means to take care of our Earth. The theme this year is Grow Native. Our event is free and thousands of attendees are expected throughout the day.

Click here to learn more!

Share the flyer

Help spread the word! We want to invite the whole community to Sacramento Earth Day, so please share this flyer with your friends, family and colleagues! Feel free to print some and hang them on community boards in your library, community center, campus or cafe! Click on the flyer to view a PDF for printing. Please print with the environment in mind.

Third Act Sacramento Gets Boomers Involved in Climate Fight

By Hannah Holzer | March 27, 2022 | The Sacramento Bee

Sacramento facilitators Ferris and Laurie Litman have wholeheartedly committed the third acts of their own lives – post-retirement – to climate activism. Both worry about the futures their children and grandchildren will face. Litman says the fact that young people have inherited a planet polluted by older generations is “an intergenerational injustice.” “This is the most important thing people my age can be doing,” Litman said. “We overconsumed. We’ve taken a lot, and now we’re leaving a depauperate future for our kids.”

Sacramento’s Third Act working group is still in its early days, but as it grows, so does excitement about the future. The group meets virtually on the third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. and anyone who lives in or around the Sacramento region is encouraged to get involved by emailing thirdactsac[at]gmail[dot]com. Fighting a planetary crisis on a personal scale can feel futile. But people of every generation must do everything in our power to ensure a livable future.

Read more at: https://www.sacbee.com/article259152778.html#storylink=cpy