APA Speaker Series (2024)

Presented by Sacramento Valley Section APA (American Planning Association) and Caltrans


As planning, design, and community development professionals, most of us chose our professions because we want to “Do the Right Thing.” But when you’re working to solve complicated, multi-faceted challenges like climate change, the housing crisis, and structural inequities, with many stakeholders and limited resources and power, determining what that right thing is can be hard to define. And once defined, it can be even harder to implement. By bringing together diverse perspectives from various disciplines, industries, and backgrounds, this Speaker Series will explore this notion of what it means to “do the right thing,” how there isn’t one right answer, and how we can use these ideas to connect to a sense of purpose, challenge the norm, and collectively work towards a common goal.

All sessions will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Please check in prior to 9:30 a.m.
Join us for networking after each session from 11:30 to Noon
West Sacramento Community Center, 1075 West Capitol Avenue, West Sacramento
Free parking at 1271 West Capitol Avenue (behind Walgreens)
A Live Streaming option is available for all sessions at the same price as attending in person.

Click here to view the speaker series flyer.

Highway Tolling in the Sacramento Region 4/4/2024

Thursday, April 4, 2024 6:00 PM start
(re-scheduled from March 21)

Link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6656164155
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

Highway Tolling in the Sacramento Region

6:00 PM: Welcome and Introductions

6:10 PM: Kathleen Hanley (Principal Transportation Planner, SACOG) will discuss the Capital Area Regional Tolling Authority (CARTA) that was recently approved by SACOG’s board. SACOG (Sacramento Area Council of Governments) decided that this JPA (Joint Powers Agreement) for managed lanes on our highways was necessary to provide better travel options. This will first be applied to Interstate 80, between Sacramento and Davis.

6:40 PM: Open discussion: We will discuss the status of Caltrans’ plans to add lanes to this freeway, and concerns expressed by CARB (California Air Resources Board), as well as environmental groups, including ECOS. Note that the California Transportation Commission (CTC) was to have decided whether the State should provide funds for this project recently, but delayed a decision to its May 16 meeting. Note that CTC and CARB boards will have a joint meeting on April 11.

7:00 PM: Updates and Announcements

  1. Status of SACOG’s Blueprint 2025
  2. Status of application for federal Climate Pollution Reduction Grant, submitted by SMAQMD (Sacramento Metro Air Quality Management District)) on behalf of 7 area counties
  3. ECOS contract with SacRT for Educational Outreach and Communication Support Services, and community meetings at Stockton Blvd and Del Paso Blvd (jointly with SMART, Sac Metro Advocates for Rail & Transit)
  4. Status of application for Governor’s Office of Planning and Research’s Extreme Heat and Community Resilience Program Grant Opportunity
  5. Update on Sacramento County’s Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force
  6. Sacramento City meeting April 9, Truxel Bridge plans
  7. Others?
  8. Ralph’s birthday is today 😊

Click here for the agenda in PDF.

Research Seminar: Impacts on Vehicle Miles Traveled from Land Use and Transportation Changes 2/27/2024

Join CARB for this research seminar which explores changes to land use and transportation in the downtown areas of Fresno, Sacramento, and Santa Monica. The project aimed to measure the effect of these changes on vehicle miles traveled.

Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Location: Webinar

Register here.


Senate Bill 375 (2008) directed the California Air Resources Board to collaborate with the state’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to set regional targets for reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from passenger vehicles. Under this legislation California’s MPOs are required to adopt Sustainable Communities Strategies (SCSs) that lay out the strategies by which the region will achieve its GHG reduction targets, including strategies to reduce vehicle miles travel (VMT). Some strategies to reduce VMT include changes to the built environment, to both land development patterns and the transportation system, which reduce the need for driving. As one way to evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies, this project used available data to examine changes in travel patterns associated with changes in land-use patterns and the transportation system in three case study downtown areas: Fresno, Sacramento, and Santa Monica. For more information and detailed findings, visit the project webpage or contact the Research Division. The project webpage will host the final report and seminar recording once they become available.


The Principal Investigator, Susan Handy, is a professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy at the University of California at Davis, where she teaches in the Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning major and in the Transportation Technology and Policy Program. She is the director of the National Center for Sustainable Transportation, part of the federal university transportation centers program. Her research focuses on the relationships between transportation and land use, particularly the impact of land use on travel behavior, and on strategies for reducing automobile dependence. Her recent work includes projects for CARB and Caltrans on methods for evaluating the impacts on vehicle travel of proposed land development and transportation projects. Her new book, Shifting Gears: Toward a New Way of Thinking About Transportation, is published by MIT Press.

ECOS and Partners Testimonies at City of Sacramento Hearing re 2040 GP & Climate Action & Adaptation Plan 2/25/2024

The Sacramento City Council is expected to adopt its 2040 General Plan and Climate Action & Adaptation Plan and certify the Final Master Environmental Impact Report on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. Please attend this important meeting.

ECOS/Partners testified on the Natomas Basin aspects of the General Plan Update to the City’s Planning and Design Commission on Thursday, January 25th, 2024. Watch our comments on the Natomas Basin aspects of the General Plan Update in the recorded video, here.

The 2040 General Plan

The General Plan is the City’s blueprint for how and where it will grow over the next 20 years. It contains policies that guide everything from the type of homes available, to jobs, transportation, environmental justice, public safety and much more. This major update has been focused on managing growth sustainably and equitably in ways that benefit the whole community, increasing opportunity and prosperity for all.

The Climate Action & Adaptation Plan

The Climate Action & Adaptation Plan (CAAP) establishes Sacramento’s greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target for 2030 and 2045, and positions Sacramento to reduce GHG emissions while adapting to projected climate change impacts.

More Info

To learn more about the Sacramento 2040 Project, including links to draft documents, please visit www.sac2040gpu.org.

Video: Climate Justice Mayoral Forum

On Monday, January 22, 2024, the Climate Committee of the League of Women Voters of Sacramento County and a dozen local Sacramento climate action and social justice organizations asked candidates for Sacramento mayor how they would chart a livable climate future for our city. Candidates answered questions about climate and environmental justice and how those issues intersect with transit, housing, public health and more. This was a free virtual event, all welcome. Spanish translation was provided.

You can watch the recording of the forum below.

Participating Sacramento mayoral candidates:

  • Dr. Flojaune Cofer
  • Assemblymember Kevin McCarty
  • Dr. Richard Pan
  • Councilmember Steve Hansen
  • Jose Avina

Co-sponsoring organizations

  • 350 Sacramento
  • California Climate Voters
  • Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS)
  • Fridays for Future Sacramento
  • Indivisible Sacramento
  • SacMoves Coalition
  • Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates (SABA)
  • Sacramento Climate Coalition
  • Sacramento Environmental Justice Coalition
  • Sacramento Metro Advocates for Rail and Transit (SMART)
  • Strong SacTown
  • Third Act Sacramento