Comment on City of Sacramento Draft 2040 General Plan & Climate Action & Adaptation Plan by 8/23

Comments accepted through August 23, 2023

Share what you think about “Sacramento 2040″ by August 23, 2023! The City is updating its General Plan & Climate Action & Adaptation Plan, to guide how Sacramento grows, changes, & adapts over the next 20 years. Give input on the Self-Guided Online Workshop at!

Sacramento’s first community Climate Action Plan (CAP), adopted in 2012, was a stand-alone document that was intended to guide City efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. In 2015 the CAP was incorporated into the 2035 General Plan.

The City of Sacramento is currently updating the Sacramento Climate Action Plan, and integrating an Adaptation Chapter and a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, in tandem with the 2040 General Plan Update process. The full Draft Climate Action & Adaptation Plan (CAAP) and Draft 2040 General Plan were released on April 28, 2023 for an extended public review period that will run through August, 2023. An online workshop was opened with the release of these documents, and will remain open through the full public review period.

Make Comments

PDFs to the full Draft 2040 General Plan and Climate Action & Adaptation Plan are provided below.

Interactive land use maps to support review of these documents are provided below:

Self-Guided Online Workshop

Click here to enter the self-guided online workshop

For more information:

To visit the City of Sacramento’s webpage on this, including the latest update, please visit

Sacramento County Climate Action Plan

On October 8, 2021, ECOS sent our comments on the Sacramento County Climate Action Plan, Final Draft dated September 2021.

Click here to view the letter.

Also on October 8th, the day comments were due, ECOS and some of its allies held a press conference on the Climate Action Plan. Below are two photos from the press conference.

Sacramento Climate Action Plan: draft ready for public review!

March 12, 2021

Sacramento County’s draft Communitywide Climate Action Plan (CAP), which addresses greenhouse gas reductions and climate change adaptation, is now available for public review.

An online workshop on the draft CAP will take place via Zoom at the Sacramento County Environmental Commission (SEC) meeting on Monday, March 15, at 6 p.m. The workshop will be an opportunity for the public and the SEC to provide feedback on the draft CAP.

Learn more

Photo by Yulia from Pexels

ECOS Comments on Sac County CAP

January 19, 2021

What do we mean, “CAP?”

Why, the Climate Action Plan, of course!

The County of Sacramento is currently working on their Climate Action Plan (CAP). On January 19, ECOS submitted our input on the plan.

Click here to read our letter.

The Plan

Learn more about the Sacramento County Climate Action Plan on the County’s website.

What’s a CAP though?

Climate action plans are comprehensive roadmaps that outline the specific activities that an agency will undertake to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Climate action plans build upon the information gathered by greenhouse gas inventories and generally focus on those activities that can achieve the relatively greatest emission reductions in the most cost effective manner.

The Institute for Local Government