Sacramento Parking Revisions Virtual Community Project Update Meetings

The City of Sacramento is proposing limits on car parking spaces for certain projects, along with improved parking management and increased bicycle parking requirements to encourage more cycling. Join one of our two virtual community meetings to share your feedback—we value your input!

About: The City approved a new policy in February 2024 to no longer require any property to supply car parking if they do not want to. The City now wants to go further and make sure projects do not supply too much car parking, which uses land inefficiently and increases costs for businesses and residents. Refining the City’s parking management practices will further improve the efficient provision of parking in Sacramento, while increasing the supply of bicycle parking will make it easier for Sacramentans to bike more often.

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13, 10:00 AM

THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 5:30 PM

ECOS Orientation 10/8/2024

Come learn what ECOS is all about! Attend our monthly orientation session on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 from 6:00 – 6:30pm via Zoom to get a broad overview of what ECOS does, why it matters and what you can do to help! This orientation can also help anyone wanting to learn more about environmental issues in the Sacramento region. We will cover our current goals that involve climate change prevention, promoting infill over sprawl development, transit, habitat protection and the wise use of water resources, among others.

Watch Recording – ECOS Special: Making Democracy Work

On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) hosted a special meeting entitled Making Democracy Work. You can watch a recording of the meeting below.

Speakers included:
Paula Lee, President of the League of Women Voters, SacCounty
Josh Rosa, Better Ballot Sacramento

Questions asked included:

  • What is the League of Women Voters?
  • What is proportional representation?
  • How does Ranked Choice Voting fit in?
  • What’s the status of the National Popular Vote Compact?

End Fossil Fuels Action 9/17/23

In New York this September, the United Nations Secretary-General is hosting a first-of-its-kind Climate Ambition Summit to demand that nations stop the fossil fuel expansion that is driving the climate emergency. And thousands of activists around the world will take to the streets to demand their governments stop permitting fossil fuel projects.

Join us in Sacramento on Sunday September 17 to demand that Governor Newsom and President Biden End the Era of Fossil Fuels and commit to ending new permits and phasing out oil and gas production and declare a climate emergency.


Biden told us on the campaign trail that there would be no more oil drilling on federal lands. And yet, his administration has now permitted more fossil fuel projects than Trump, including Willow in Alaska, LNG in the Gulf, and fast-tracking the Mountain Valley Pipeline in the Virginias.

Biden’s failure is Newsom’s opportunity to show what real climate leadership looks like. While we have only seen 7 new oil drilling permits in California so far this year, oil drilling continues to happen just feet from homes, schools and hospitals all over the state.

This could be the moment that Newsom issues a moratorium on new oil drilling permits. We need people power to show him that is what Californians want.

Sign up to join us for an action to End the Era of Fossil Fuels on Sunday Sept 17th in Old Sacramento for a family-friendly day of action, featuring carnival games, a giant puppet show, speakers and performers. To volunteer at the event, contact ilonka[at]oilgasaction[dot]org.