Thursday, April 4, 2024 6:00 PM start
(re-scheduled from March 21)
Link to join:
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155
Highway Tolling in the Sacramento Region
6:00 PM: Welcome and Introductions
6:10 PM: Kathleen Hanley (Principal Transportation Planner, SACOG) will discuss the Capital Area Regional Tolling Authority (CARTA) that was recently approved by SACOG’s board. SACOG (Sacramento Area Council of Governments) decided that this JPA (Joint Powers Agreement) for managed lanes on our highways was necessary to provide better travel options. This will first be applied to Interstate 80, between Sacramento and Davis.
6:40 PM: Open discussion: We will discuss the status of Caltrans’ plans to add lanes to this freeway, and concerns expressed by CARB (California Air Resources Board), as well as environmental groups, including ECOS. Note that the California Transportation Commission (CTC) was to have decided whether the State should provide funds for this project recently, but delayed a decision to its May 16 meeting. Note that CTC and CARB boards will have a joint meeting on April 11.
7:00 PM: Updates and Announcements
- Status of SACOG’s Blueprint 2025
- Status of application for federal Climate Pollution Reduction Grant, submitted by SMAQMD (Sacramento Metro Air Quality Management District)) on behalf of 7 area counties
- ECOS contract with SacRT for Educational Outreach and Communication Support Services, and community meetings at Stockton Blvd and Del Paso Blvd (jointly with SMART, Sac Metro Advocates for Rail & Transit)
- Status of application for Governor’s Office of Planning and Research’s Extreme Heat and Community Resilience Program Grant Opportunity
- Update on Sacramento County’s Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force
- Sacramento City meeting April 9, Truxel Bridge plans
- Others?
- Ralph’s birthday is today 😊
Click here for the agenda in PDF.