Big Day of Giving 2023!

Sacramento’s Big Day of Giving is right around the corner and ECOS would like to engage you!

The Environmental Council of Sacramento has been a powerful advocacy organization in the Sacramento region for over 50 years. We advocate for aggressive reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. We support green building practices such as using recycled materials and electrification of all buildings and vehicles. We argue for new parks, transit, and “complete streets” in environmentally impacted urban areas, especially near freeways and heavy industry, and in historically red-lined areas. With the climate crisis growing and affordable housing a critical need, our advocacy efforts are needed more than ever.

It’s easy to make a difference in the Sacramento region during Big Day of Giving. Donations as small as $15 add up to make a big impact!

Between now and Thursday, May 4, please donate to keep ECOS advocacy vibrant!

Big Day of Giving 2022

ECOS: Through education, advocacy, and litigation, we seek to help the Sacramento region meet its climate goals and shift its land use and transportation patterns to create a transit-connected network of sustainable, sociable, affordable, and equitable communities.

The Environmental Council of Sacramento is a powerful advocacy organization in the Sacramento region for over 50 years, arguing for transit-oriented development and against greenfield sprawl, to protect our habitat, and clean up our air. With the climate crisis growing and affordable housing a critical need, our advocacy efforts are needed more than ever. Please donate and join. Make a difference with us!

Can we count on you?

Big Day of Giving, the Sacramento region’s largest annual event to support the causes we care most about, is on now. Between now and May 5, please give to ECOS.

Big Day of Giving helps non-profits like ECOS raise much needed funds — mostly in small gifts — proving that when we all give a little, we can make a big difference.

For as little as $40, you can help us reach our fundraising goal of $10,000 which will allow us to continue studying and taking positions on regional and local issues — climate change, land use, transportation, green building, habitat, and water. Also, your gift will help ECOS build its next generation of leaders – we seek young people who recognize the dangers of climate change and want to do something about it.

Make a gift today or mark your calendar for Thursday, May 5 to be a part of this historic day of philanthropy.

Check out some of our activities

  • ECOS Orientation via Zoom on May 5 at 6 pm; contact office[at]sacramento[dot]net
  • Sacramento Earth Day on April 24 –
  • SacCounty District 5 Candidate Forum on April 26 –
  • Climate Action materials and Committee Chair Ralph Propper rpropper47[at]icloud[dot]com
  • Field trips – salmon spawning habitat in American River; sandhill cranes at Woodbridge Ecological Reserve in Oct 2021 and Jan 2022.


Donate Starting on Earth Day!

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ECOS supports reduced driving through transit-oriented housing, energy efficiency, vehicle and building electrification, and renewable energy.

Support ECOS in this work by donating on Big Day of Giving 2021, now starting on Earth Day!

That’s right, you can contribute to our Big Day of Giving campaign any time between April 22nd – May 6th!

Here is the link to donate:

Learn more at