Sutter’s Landing Regional Park Site Plan Update Survey

The City of Sacramento’s Youth, Parks & Community Enrichment Department would like to gather public input from our neighbors of Sutter’s Landing Regional Park. The survey information will be used to help the city develop a Site Plan Update and Guidebook for the development of the site.

The survey is open June 10 through July 12. This survey is estimated to take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.



Sutter’s Landing Park Master Plan

On May 2, 2024, ECOS and Habitat 2020 submitted to the City of Sacramento a comment letter and report entitled ECOS Campaign for Protecting Natural Areas in the City of Sacramento. They relate to the City’s update of Sutter’s Landing Park Master Plan. We ask that the City take a nature-centric planning approach as they develop the update.

Click here to read the letter in full.

Click here to view the attachment ECOS Campaign for Protecting Natural Areas in the City of Sacramento

Public Meeting – Lower American River Erosion Construction Update (H St to Howe Ave)

The US Army Corps of Engineers is having a virtual public meeting Thursday, May 4 from 5-6 p.m. In this meeting they’ll discuss why the Lower American River Erosion project is needed, how they chose the design, environmental impacts, what to expect during construction, and future work they’ll be doing in the parkway.

They will post the meeting link here on the day of the event or you can sign up for their mailing list by sending an email titled “American River Levee Upgrades email list” to spk-pao[at]usace[dot]army[dot]mil.

ECOS Climate Committee 5/12 Focus on Transportation

ECOS Climate Change Committee – Focus on Transportation, THURSDAY, MAY 12 6:00 pm

Co-hosted by Ralph Propper, Climate Committee Chair and John Deeter, Transportation Team Lead


6:00 Let’s chat — Zoom break-out rooms

6:05 Welcome and brief introductions

6:10 Sacramento Regional Transit (Sac RT) staff will discuss plans for the coming year. RT’s fiscal status has improved, as ridership is increasing again.

Craig Norman (Director of Engineering) will discuss more frequent service on Folsom line, electric buses, low-floor light rail stations/vehicles, new LRT stations (Dos Rios station; Horn Rd. station near Rancho Cordova’s Kassis property)

6:30 SacRT and TOD – Traci Canfield will provide high level overview of the SACOG-SACRT Transit-oriented Development Action Plan written in 2020

6:50 CapCity Freeway Lawsuit Update – Betsy Weiland of SARA (invited contributor) to discuss impacts to river

7:05 Transportation Ballot Measure for November election – Steve Cohn of SacMoves (invited contributor)


  • Climate Action Plans for County and City of Sacramento
  • For July presentation — Valley Rail, San Joaquin JPA, by Dan Leavitt, Manager of Regional Initiatives, will update us on the Stockton to Sacramento segment of Valley Rail w/maps, station areas, station designs. Valley Rail is on the Sacramento Subdivision from Stockton to Natomas — on separate, parallel UP track(s) to Sac RT from Cosumnes River Blvd to R Street in Midtown. Service will extend to Natomas (Elkhorn Blvd), but planning work is being done with Butte CAG and SACOG for a future extension to Butte County (Chico).

7:30 Adjourn

Thursday, May 12, 2022, 6:00pm

Link to join:

To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

The Kassis Property: one of the city’s last pieces of open space

By Scott Thomas Anderson | January 27, 2021 | Sacramento News and Review

The Kassis property includes 40.7 acres that form an alluvial terrace on its upper plateau, and a lower basin that stretches along the river in the 100-year floodplain. There are 335 trees in the formations, split by a grassy, 30-foot-high bluff at the edge of a quiet neighborhood. For years, the property was owned by John P. Kassis. After his death, its title transferred to members of his family.

“Concerns about this project? Where to start?” said Ralph Propper, president of the Environmental Council of Sacramento. “We’re very concerned about protecting the last significant open space along the American River.”

Click here to read the article in full

Click here to learn more about the property.

Where is the Kassis Property?

Here is a map showing exactly where the property is.