ECOS Comments on 19J Project

September 5, 2016

ECOS supports the 19J project particularly for its sustainability and “affordable by design” features. We find the urban design features, building scale and location to have an approach consistent with the intent of the City General Plan, despite its modest height increase beyond the Plan’s approved limits. We recommend approval of the project, but strongly recommend that three conditions be applied to its approval.

  1. A deed restriction shall be recorded whereby the rental cost of the 300 to 445 square foot units shall not exceed 30% of Sacramento’s median income.
  2. A deed restriction shall also be recorded stating that no units shall be sold for 15 years from the date of initial occupancy.
  3. Approval of the project shall require that the project owner/operators submit an annual report to the Planning Department verifying compliance with conditions 1 & 2 above.

We believe that in order to maintain the integrity of the project, these conditions must be applied.

View our letter here.

The proposed 19J building

July 31, 2016

Ryan Lillis

The Sacramento Bee

The proposed 19J building, designed by HR Group Architects, would stand 11 stories at 19th and J streets in midtown Sacramento. It would include 173 apartments and is the second high-rise building proposed for that neighborhood in the last few months. Mohanna Development [is the developer of the project.]

Read more here:

This Wednesday, there will be a community meeting about the 19J building at 5:30 pm at Metro Electronic’s former site at 19th & J Street, Sacramento‬.

Next week, Nikki Mohanna will attend the Environmental Council of Sacramento’s August 8th, 2016 Land Use committee meeting at 6pm to provide more information about this project and answer questions. Location: Mogavero Architects, 2012 K Street, Sacramento. Feel free to join us. Read the meeting agenda here.