Please join us at the Awards Ceremony to celebrate and be inspired. Saturday, October 26, 2024, 5:00 pm at Camp Pollock, 1501 Northgate Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95815
Network, have dinner, and enjoy a walk by the river. The Environmentalist of the Year Awards is a 50-year tradition of honoring local environmental leaders whose work has furthered sustainability.
We will soon announce the 2024 Environmentalist of the Year Award recipients. For more info, contact Alexandra Reagan at office[at]ecosacramento[dot]net.
Become a Sponsor
We invite you to become a sponsor of the 2024 Environmentalist of the Year Awards. Explore your sponsorship opportunities here. As a sponsor, you’ll receive tickets to the event, plus recognitions. See the details.
Sponsorships are a primary source of funding for ECOS. Since the 1970s, ECOS has been on the front line in policy battles for a sustainable region, a green economy, and environmental justice. Your sponsorship allows us to continue our work. With your support, we can inspire and motivate others to act for a more sustainable future.
Purchase a Ticket
If you don’t care to sponsor, buy a ticket! Saturday, October 26, 2024, at 5 pm at Camp Pollock by the American River! It will be an enjoyable, memorable event — honoring local environmental leaders. Join us!
Many Fields of Endeavor
Through the Environmentalist of the Year Awards, we honor local leaders in many fields:
- TRANSIT: Work to increase awareness of the importance of expanded transit and infill development to housing affordability, the economic revitalization of inner suburbs, reduction of vehicle trips and related green house gas emissions;
- ANTI-SPRAWL: Stand up against sprawl development and for the key anti-sprawl planning action from 1993, the Sacramento County Urban Services Boundary;
- CLIMATE: Study local government climate plans, make comments and recommendations, and advocate with elected officials and staff to make aggressive and well-supported plans, so our region can be a leader in reversing unhealthy climate change;
- AIR: Implement air quality monitoring as the first step toward air quality improvement;
- HABITAT: Outreach to neighborhoods and elected officials to increase awareness of the importance of our region’s wildlife habitat and habitat-supportive farmland; the landmark 1997 Natomas Basin and South Sacramento Habitat Conservation Plans; Sacramento’s location in the Pacific Flyway and in one of the Earth’s biodiversity hotspots;
- ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: Work to lessen environmental injustices stemming from the past, such as redlining, and happening now, such as air pollution from freeways;
- SERVICE: Serve faithfully on the ECOS Board for many decades;
- FUNDING: Work to promote ballot measures to fund transit, safe and complete streets, and affordable housing;
- WATER: Work tirelessly to improve the management of the region’s surface and ground water quality and supply.
2023 Awards
We celebrated our 50th Anniversary on Dec 2, 2023 at the California State Railroad Museum. We celebrated our 50-year history, our 2023 awardees, and the many previous awardees who were in attendance. The 2023 awardees were The Natomas Basin Conservancy Boards, River City Waterway Alliance, and Sacramento Area Council of Governments. Thank you to our 2023 sponsors.
Check out our video ECOS Past, Present, Future, History of ECOS, and photos of all past awardees.
The Natomas Basin Conservancy Boards, Past and Present (NBC) received the Award for Environmentalist of Regional Significance. For twenty-six years, the Natomas Basin Conservancy has capably overseen the implementation of the Natomas Basin Habitat Conservation Plan, as its “Plan Operator.” The Board has approved over 40 land acquisitions and ensured management of these mitigation lands for protected species. Dozens have served as Conservancy Board members, representing Sacramento City and Sutter County – leading to the protection of over 5,000 acres of habitat and agriculture. The volunteers who have served the region in this unique way, deserve our thanks and are truly deserving of receiving this honor.
Award Recipients: NBC Board Chair Chandra Chilmakuri and Executive Director John Roberts
Award Presenter: Former Sacramento Mayor and ECOS Board Member Heather Fargo
Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) received the Award for Public Service – Environmentalist over the Decades. Over the past two decades, with community participation, SACOG has moved our region toward greater sustainability through integrated land use, transportation, and healthier air. The SACOG Board, executive leadership, and staff provide excellent public service in pursuit of sustainability in our region. This award honors the planning and analysis work represented by SACOG’s 2004 Blueprint, the 2025 Blueprint Update now in progress, the Green Means Go Program to facilitate infill development; and the implementation of smart growth principles through interregional coordination, development of the regional trails network, securing of funding for local transportation projects, and development of a racial equity action plan and a regional economic prosperity partnership.
Award Recipients: SACOG Board Chair Patrick Kennedy and Executive Director James Corless
Award Presenters: Former SACOG board members Christopher Cabaldon and Roger Dickinson
The River City Waterway Alliance (RCWA) received the Volunteer Group Award. RCWA is an all-volunteer group that has removed about a million pounds of trash and debris this year from our riverbanks and waterways. The RCWA also partners with government agencies to improve clean-up and prevention strategies, to preserve our natural ecosystems.
Award Recipient: Mark Baker, RCWA
Award Presenter: President Sacramento Area Creeks Council, H2020 Board Member Alta Tura
Hashtag: #sacenviroawards