Sacramento County FY25 Appropriations – Community Project Requests

On April 2, 2024, ECOS submitted a letter to U.S. Representatives Doris Matsui, Alex Padilla, Ami Bera and Laphonza Butler regarding Sacramento County’s FY25 Community Project Requests for the Cosumnes River Multi-Benefit Project and the Arden Service Area Water Metering project.

Below is an excerpt from our letter.

The Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) strongly supports Sacramento County’s FY25 Community Project Requests for the Cosumnes River Multi-Benefit Project and the Arden Service Area Water Metering project.

Sacramento County seeks $2 million for technical, planning and design assistance for the Cosumnes River Multi-Benefit Project. The funds will be used to support County efforts to identify flood risk reduction measures, water recharge areas and project options, and habitat restoration opportunities along the lower Cosumnes River (including flood risk reductions that protect private water infrastructure). This multibenefit program will lead to significant improvements in flood protection and identify opportunities for additional habitat and water supply reliability benefits in the Lower Cosumnes River.

Click here to read the letter in full.

Environmental Community Based Representation on Groundwater Sustainability Agency Boards

On January 29, 2024, ECOS submitted a letter to the Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) Boards in the Sacramento Area about Environmental Community Based Representation.

Below is an excerpt of the letter.

Groundwater management has taken a huge step forward with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and the formation of Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSA) throughout California. The Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) is very supportive of the Sacramento Area GSA efforts to develop and begin implementation of their Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSP) and feels the Region has done a good job of working through a multitude of technical issues. ECOS believes implementation of these GSPs requires close coordination between the GSAs, water purveyors, and the public as evidenced by our comments on the GSP annual reports to the State. One way coordination can be improved is through the inclusion of broader representation on GSA Boards of Directors.

Click here to read the letter.