“Fighter’s Return: Heather Fargo Continues Her Battle for Open Space” by Gary Delsohn, January 2024, Inside Sacramento

Former Mayor Heather Fargo is at it again.

The environmental and community activist became known by her battles against sprawl and shoddy development in Natomas, where she’s lived for decades.

These days, four decades after those fights, Fargo and her allies meet with community groups, elected officials, city and county staff, and others to push back against what they see as more damaging development in the Natomas Basin north of Downtown.

If you live in East Sac, Land Park or Pocket and wonder why you should care about development near Sacramento International Airport, Fargo will tell you about climate change and the need to develop infill properties rather than paving more farmland and habitat.


Click here to read the full article.

Sacramento supervisors are addicted to sprawl. It could cost our region dearly | Opinion by Tom Philp, Dec 7, 2023, The Sacramento Bee

The Sacramento region could lose about $1 billion in state transportation funds in the coming years if it fails to develop a housing/transportation plan that reduces sprawl and increases housing within communities. Yet Sacramento County does not seem to care as it reflexively pushes for more sprawl.

Click here to read the article: https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/article281716338.html#storylink=cpy