Climate Justice Festival 10/5/2024

Join us at the 5th Annual Sacramento Climate Justice Festival happening on Saturday, October 5th from 10 am to 2 pm at McClatchy Park in coordination with the Oak Park Market and Sacramento Food Literacy Center. The address for the festival is 3500 5th Ave, Sacramento.

There will be lots of fun events happening on the day of the festival:

  • Inspiring talks from wide variety of community members
  • Musical groups with performances by Star Crossed Lovers, Solidarity, AJAX, Taste like TV static, etc
  • We have over ten children’s activities that include a bubble center, nature scent identification game, nature art, tactile nature game, coloring table, making paper butterflies, etc
  • Climate justice obstacle course-steer your way around the natural disasters, go through the tunnel of misinformation, bowl down plastic bottles, plant a tree, etc. to the finish line.
  • Seed planting
  • Nature photo contest/display-so submit your beautiful photos of nature in Sacramento by the end of the week to enter the contest and see the beautiful nature photos from around the Sac area at the festival. Nature photos are due today at 5PM on Sunday.
  • Vegetarian Chili Cook-off: we are still looking for a few more entries.-please consider participating.
  • “Trashion” Fashion Show at noon on the day of the festival. Take your trash and create a fun garment to put on at the festival and you might be a Trashion Fashion winner.
  • Community environmental talks: why electrify, native plant presentation, cool tips of how sustainability practices in your home saves you money, etc
  • Over 30+ vendors
  • Sacramento electric vehicles will be on display to ask questions to actual owners
  • Poetry readings
  • Dancing fun
  • Opportunity to drop off old pens and batteries to be recycled at the festival

Natomas meeting with Natomas Community Planning Advisory Council (CPAC) 10/3/2024

On October 3, the Natomas Community Planning Council (CPAC) is giving the public an opportunity to comment on the Upper Westside Project. You can submit written comments, phone in, or attend the meeting and comment in person.

Please comment – We want the CPAC to know the community is closely following this project.

How to Participate

  • Note that Upper Westside Specific Plan is Agenda Item #1.

Attend the Meeting: Thursday, October 3, 6 pm, South Natomas Community Center, 2921 Truxel Rd. If you wish to speak, fill out and give the Clerk a Speaker Request Form. You can also attend and just sit with us.
Phone: Listen to the meeting or comment by phone: Teleconference (audio only) dial: (669) 254-5252 (Conference ID: 161 026 9414 and ## to join)
Written Comment: Email a comment to BoardClerk[at]saccounty[dot]gov . For the CPAC to read it before the meeting – send no later than 4 pm.

Meeting Agenda and Agenda Packet documents are here:
Agenda Packet includes a description of the project, DEIR Key Points, and maps.

2024 Sacramento County Climate Action Plan and SEIR

On July 15, 2024, Sacramento County published the 2024 CAP and the Draft Subsequent EIR. The new documents are available on the CAP webpage:

In support of the 2024 CAP, Sacramento County has prepared a Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) to analyze the potential impacts of the 2024 CAP. The Notice of Availability (NOA) of a Draft SEIR is available below. Public comments on the 2024 CAP and the Draft SEIR will be accepted until August 29, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

The County’s goal is to complete the CAP and its associated SEIR as quickly as possible while ensuring compliance with applicable CEQA statutory timelines for public input and review.

During the 45-day public review period, staff will present the 2024 CAP to the Sacramento County Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force on August 8, 2024 and the Sacramento Environmental Commission​ on August 19, 2024.

ECOS Orientation 10/8/2024

Come learn what ECOS is all about! Attend our monthly orientation session on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 from 6:00 – 6:30pm via Zoom to get a broad overview of what ECOS does, why it matters and what you can do to help! This orientation can also help anyone wanting to learn more about environmental issues in the Sacramento region. We will cover our current goals that involve climate change prevention, promoting infill over sprawl development, transit, habitat protection and the wise use of water resources, among others.