SACOG to present at ECOS TAQCC cmte mtg 6/4

Join the ECOS Transportation, Air Quality & Climate Change (TAQCC) committee for its regular monthly meeting, featuring a special presentation on the 2016 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Community Strategy (MTP/SCS) by Kacey Lizon, MTP/SCS Project Manager of the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG)! A question & answer session will immediately follow the presentation.

When: Thursday, June 4, 2015 6pm
Where: Mogavero Notestine Associates, 2012 K St, Sacramento, 95811

ECOS supports policies aimed towards reducing automobile Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and promoting alternatives such as biking and walking.

2015 5 May 27 TAQCC flier for SACOG presentation abbreviated version

New Member Organization: Los Rios College Federation of Teachers!

A warm welcome to the Los Rios College Federation of Teachers, the newest member organization of ECOS!

Inspired by the accomplishments of the US labor movement, the Los Rios College Federation of Teachers (LRCFT) was founded in 1978 to represent faculty throughout the Los Rios Community College District (LRCCD) . Since then, LRCFT has been a leader in the struggle for faculty labor rights in the Sacramento area and the education rights of all Californians.

In the spirit of great labor leaders both past and present, they dedicate their work to the principles of opportunity, quality, and accountability.

LRCFT represents approximately 2,500 instructors, counselors, librarians, college nurses, and program coordinators at all campuses of California’s second largest community college district, including, American River College, Cosumnes River College, Folsom Lake College, and Sacramento City College.

BIG Day of Giving 2015


ECOS is ecstatic to have received $3,025 in gifts during the BIG Day of Giving in 2015! From ECOS, local wildlife and your neighbors, thank you for helping us achieve regional and community sustainability and a healthy environment for existing and future residents. ‪#‎BIGDoG2015‬

New member organization: Wellstone Dems!

We have a new member organization with which we are excited to partner! At the March board meeting, ECOS voted to approve the joining of the Wellstone Progressive Democrats of Sacramento as a member organization of ECOS! The club is named after Senator Paul Wellstone, who led various campaigns on behalf of farmers, laborers, the rural poor, and the environment. Welcome Wellstone Progressive Dems! Learn more about them at their new website: ECOS offers individual and organizational memberships. You can view a full list of our current member organizations here. To renew or establish your organization’s membership, click here.

Sacramento Urban Agriculture Coalition

2015 2 feb city hall group shot

A lot of people in Sacramento are buzzing about the latest push for an Urban Agriculture ordinance. We at ECOS want to make sure you are fully informed about the need for an ordinance, and what you can do to help.

For updates, a template letter of support, adding your name to the petition and more, please visit the website of the Sacramento Urban Agriculture Coalition on

Welcome to the our new website!

The Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) is excited to present our new website! We have rearranged things a little, so if you are familiar with our old website, you may not necessarily find items the same way that you did before. If you have any suggestions, questions or edits, please email us at office[at]ecosacramento[dot]net. We look forward to your feedback!