Spring Native Plant Sale and Volunteer Celebration March 25th

Hosted by the California Native Plant Society Sacramento Valley Chapter, a member organization of the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS)

When: Saturday, MARCH 25th, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Where: Elderberry Farms Native Plant Nursery
2140 Chase Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(On the American River Parkway at Soil Born Farms)
Contact: Chris Lewis
Email: cnpschris[at]gmail[dot]com
Web: SacValleyCNPS.org

Do you want to have a garden that is in sync with nature? Native Plants are not only beautiful and climate adaptable but they feed and shelter birds, bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Come find a wide selection of native perennials, shrubs, and trees, grasses, vines and native annuals! There will be plants from Cornflower Farms, Hedgerow Farms and Elderberry Farms Native Plant Nursery. Plant Advisers will be available to help you find the plants you desire and that will fit your garden. Landscape Designers will also be available to give 15-minute consultations for a donation to CNPS.

Elderberry Farms is 10 years old! Celebrate all the volunteers who have made this possible! Come see what we have accomplished and what we learn about growing native plants.

All new or renewing CNPS members may choose a FREE 1-gallon Elderberry Farms plant.

The Plant Sale is a volunteer-run event and we would love to have you volunteer! Please contact Lauren at laurenbertelson[at]gmail[dot]com for more information.

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Soil Born Farms will also be hosting a Spring Gardening Clinic and their own organic plant sale. Learn how to grow vibrant, tasty, and healthy plants from Soil Born Farm’s knowledgeable staff. SBF will be selling seasonal vegetables, medicinal and culinary herbs, flowers, and edible perennials. For more information about Soil Born Farm’s event, visit their website: SoilBorn.org

ECOS Board/General Meeting Jan 23, 2017

Join the Environmental Council of Sacramento – ECOS for our first ECOS Board and General Meeting of the year! Help us plan for the new year, welcome our new board members and push forward for a more sustainable Sacramento region!

Everyone who is interested is welcome. Bring a friend! ECOS encourages participation from members of marginalized communities, including women, youth, people of color, those who identify as LGBTQIA, people have migrated from another country and people who live with disabilities.

Note: this meeting was moved from January 16th in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Board Meeting of the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS)
Reception 5:30 pm / Meeting 6:00 pm | Monday, January 23rd, 2017
SEIU Local 1000, 1325 S Street, Sacramento CA 95811 (Training Room)

5:30 – RECEPTION: Please come and meet and socialize with ECOS Board Members and guests. Light appetizers and refreshments served. Feel free to bring something to share.

1. Greetings & Introductions
2. Approval of November 2016 Minutes and approval of January 2017 Agenda (5 minutes)

3. Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream (20 minutes)
4. ECOS Officer Elections (5 minutes)
5. New member org: AARP (5 minutes)
6. Orientation/Refresher for Board Members (30 minutes)
a. Transportation, Air Quality and Climate Change (TAQCC) Committee
b. Land Use Committee
c. Habitat 2020 Committee
d. Organizational Development Committee
7. Treasurer’s Report (10 minutes)
Earl Withycombe, Treasurer
8. Adoption of 2017 Annual Budget (5 minutes)

9. President’s Report
Brandon Rose (5 minutes)

10. Issues of interest from Members and/or Member Organizations
11. Announcements

Meeting Agenda here (PDF): https://www.ecosacramento.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/bsk-pdf-manager/2017_1_January_23_ECOS_Board_Meeting_Agenda_217.pdf 

ECOS Board of Directors meetings

Big Day of Giving 2017

Big Day of Giving
Thursday, May 4, 2017

Mark Your Calendars! BIG Day of Giving is coming on May 4th, 2017. We are excited to join the Sacramento Regional Community Foundation for our 4th year of participating in the Big Day of Giving!

Some of the changes in this year’s Big Day of Giving campaign include:

  • the ability to take payments in any format, not just with credit or debit cards.
  • the ability to schedule payments ahead of time, e.g. if you are going to be out of town on May 4th, 2017
  • the minimum donation amount has been lowered to $15.00
  • a new online platform, called CiviCore, has been chosen to replace Kimbia
  • a phone bank has been established
  • a reduced transaction fee of 5.2%, down from 6.4%
  • donors can now sign up for monthly donations
  • Please consider giving to ECOS on May 4th, 2017.

More information about The Big Day of Giving can be found here.

Let’s Get Terry Moving

Join Us!

Let’s Get Terry Moving

Terry Preston (and loving wife Alice) have helped SO many during their personal and professional pursuits. Now it’s time we return the favor. To describe Terry as an asset to our community is a massive understatement. Terry’s commitment to making Sacramento a better place to live for its residents is second to none. His genuine kindhearted nature helped him excel at his profession and the direct results of his efforts have made our city more livable and safer. Let’s break bread together, salute Terry & family and raise the funds needed to get a van capable of hauling Terry, his family and his wheelchair around!

ECOS has committed to raising $1,000.00 for this cause. Terry has been a long-time advocate for active transportation and has for many years been Chair of ECOS’s Transportation, Air Quality ad Climate Change Committee.

What: Spaghetti Feed

When: Friday, Jan. 6th 5:00-9:00pm

Where: Unitarian Universalist Society, 2425 Sierra Blvd., Sacramento 95825

You can find out more information about Terry at getterrymoving.com.

Tickets start at $25.

Purchase tickets here.


$250 – Bus Pass level
10 tickets to event

$500 – On Ramp level
20 tickets to event

$1,000 – Mobilizer level
50 tickets to event and acknowledgment & signage at event and social media

$1,500 – Organizer level
50 tickets to event and acknowledgment & signage at event and social media

$2,500 – Mover and Shaker level 
50 tickets to event and acknowledgment & signage at event and social media

$5,000 – Big Wheel level
50 tickets to event and acknowledgment & signage at event and social media