ECOS Comments on 19J Project

September 5, 2016

ECOS supports the 19J project particularly for its sustainability and “affordable by design” features. We find the urban design features, building scale and location to have an approach consistent with the intent of the City General Plan, despite its modest height increase beyond the Plan’s approved limits. We recommend approval of the project, but strongly recommend that three conditions be applied to its approval.

  1. A deed restriction shall be recorded whereby the rental cost of the 300 to 445 square foot units shall not exceed 30% of Sacramento’s median income.
  2. A deed restriction shall also be recorded stating that no units shall be sold for 15 years from the date of initial occupancy.
  3. Approval of the project shall require that the project owner/operators submit an annual report to the Planning Department verifying compliance with conditions 1 & 2 above.

We believe that in order to maintain the integrity of the project, these conditions must be applied.

View our letter here.

ECOS endorsement of Alternative F location selection for the Wilton Rancheria project

August 25, 2016

We were pleased that in subsequent months the Wilton Rancheria tribe has selected Elk Grove as the primary choice for location of their project.  On August 4th, the members of the leadership of ECOS met and discussed the project with the Wilton Rancheria tribal chairman Raymond Hitchcock. The discussion included an update on the project as well as the concerns that were substantially avoided by the selection of Alternate F site for the project.

We would like to reiterate our support for the selection of Alternate F as the site for the Wilton Rancheria project and would like to continue to work with the tribe regarding future environmental concerns and impacts. We are hopeful that the Wilton Rancheria, in recognizing that the casino project will still have a role in stimulating expansive Elk Grove urban growth, will join with us in efforts to protect and restore important wildlife habitat in the ancestral lands of the Plains Miwok along the lower Cosumnes River and the Stone Lakes complex.

View our letter here.

City of West Sacramento General Plan 2035 Update

The Draft Environmental Impact Repopt (DEIR) for the 2035 update to the City of West Sacramento General Plan is open for comments through September 19th, 2016. The chapters are available on the City of West Sacramento’s website. 

CEQA Workshop Success

The CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) workshop hosted by ECOS (Environmental Council of Sacramento) on August 15, 2016 went very well! Thanks to all who attended; we’ve received great feedback saying that it proved to very educational for our attendees.

Our topics included:

  • CEQA process overview
  • Conducting an analysis of a Biological Section
  • Conducting an analysis of a Land Use Section
  • Conducting an analysis of an Air Quality/Transportation Section
  • Real examples of Mitigation Measures
ECOS members are reviewing CEQA basics and how to write comment letters with some of ECOS's top Environmental Impact experts.

ECOS members reviewing CEQA basics and how to write comment letters with some of ECOS’s top Environmental Impact experts.


CEQA is an important tool which was put into place for public transparency and citizen power. We have a lot of work left to do to make our region more sustainable. ECOS can always use help reviewing CEQA documents and we encourage YOU to participate!

Tickets Now On Sale for the Wild and Scenic Film Festival On Tour in Sac!

Buy Tickets Today!


An evening of short environmental films to inform, inspire and entertain!

The Wild and Scenic Film Festival stands out as a film festival that inspires and motivates community members to go out and make a difference locally and beyond. ECOS specially designs the Sacramento festival program to address issues that are relevant to our local community, featuring short films that look at themes of water conservation, sustainable development and energy, food and local agriculture, wildlife protection, environmental activism, and outdoor recreation. We continue to make this film festival a lasting and rewarding annual event to inspire communities in Sacramento to enjoy and protect wild and scenic places close to home. Over the years, the festival has become an important event in our community’s calendar and we aspire to continue bringing this service to our local residents and neighbors.


December 8th, 2016

Learn More Here

CEQA Workshop hosted by ECOS August 15

ECOS Presents a CEQA Workshop!

What is CEQA and How do you Conduct an Effective CEQA Review?

ECOS is hosting a training for ECOS members on understanding the CEQA process and how to comment effectively. Our focus is a practical look at CEQA and what ECOS committees do when they review a CEQA document. Our topics include:

  • CEQA process overview
  • Conducting an analysis of a Biological Section
  • Conducting an analysis of a Land Use Section
  • Conducting an analysis of an Air Quality/Transportation Section
  • Real examples of Mitigation Measures

Join us for an evening of discussion and learning about an important California public disclosure law.

Speakers include: Sean Wirth, Rob Burness, Melinda Dorin Bradbury and others.

When: August 15, 2016 6 – 8 pm

Where: Breathe CA Conference Room 909 12th Street, Sacramento – Breathe CA conference room is on first floor. People will need to ring the bell for Breathe CA at the door and identify themselves

Cost: Free to ECOS Members (become a member here)

RSVP: You have to RSVP because space is limited to 30. CEQA Workshop RSVP’s


6:00 – 6:10 pm Introductions (Brandon Rose)

6:10 – 6:30 pm CEQA overview, What is CEQA (Melinda Dorin Bradbury)

6:30 – 6:50 pm Analysis of Biological Resources (Sean Wirth)

6:50 – 7:10 pm Analysis of Land Use (Rob Burness)

7:10 – 7:30 pm Analysis of Air Quality and Transportation (Earl Withycombe)

7:30 – 8:00 pm Going through real life examples Q&A (panel discussion)