ECOS Opposes new Crocker Village Residential Development Proposal

The Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) opposes the request by Crocker Village Residential Development to construct 61 housing units on ±4.86 vacant acres within the R-4A-PUD and SC-PUD zones and Curtis Park Village Planned Unit Development (PUD), located at 2325 10th Avenue. 

This acreage has a Multi-Family Housing designation, which is appropriate considering its proximity to Sacramento Regional Transit’s light rail station at City College. SACOG supported funding for the bike/pedestrian bridge from this development to the light rail station based on the understanding that this would be a transit-oriented development.

ECOS is opposed to a PUD Schematic Plan Amendment to develop single-unit dwellings instead. We have two crises that must be addressed: our severe shortage of affordable housing, and climate change. In Sacramento, the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions is from cars. Multi-Family Housing near a light-rail station addresses both these crises, and therefore this designation must be preserved.

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