ECOS Climate and Transportation Team Meeting 1/18

Wednesday, January 18th, 2023 – 6:00pm-7:30pm

Zoom link: ECOS ZOOM 6656164155 or call: 1 669 900 6833, Mtg ID: 665 616 4155

6:00pm Welcome from Sam Rice, Transportation Team Lead, and Ralph Propper, Climate Committee Chair

6:10pm Featuring: Kevin McCarty, CA State Assemblymember

At a recent Environmental Advocacy meeting at Sacramento City Hall, we discussed how to obtain funding for needed programs in the wake of Measure A’s defeat. The Mayor encouraged us to think broadly, with the main concerns identified as transit and affordable housing. The need for outreach to the community was emphasized, as well as exploration of funding possibilities other than a sales tax.

James Corless reviewed highlights from SACOG’s 2020 MTP/SCS, emphasizing transit, and land use/housing/planning & engagement. The need to achieve the State’s 19% reduction target in GHG emissions was also discussed.

  • Measure A – Can the Legislature help a true citizens’ initiative for the Sacramento region in 2024 – one that focuses on transit and transit-oriented development, possibly with a special voting district created by the State legislature (e.g., the Sac RT service area)? Are other funding options available for a citizens’ initiative?
  • Federal climate and infrastructure funds (and State funds) may help fund transit and related concerns. Do we need matching funds from a local transit funding measure to obtain these funds? Would a regional vision based in equity and framed around transit, make a compelling case to the feds?
  • What state legislation might be coming that we should be aware of?What is the impact of the Governor’s proposed budget on regional concerns, e.g., adaptive re-use of office buildings to address the housing crisis
  • Advice on influencing environmental issues in our region?

6:40pm Transportation Team Kick-off Discussion

The Sacramento region has consistently ranked as one of the ten worst in the nation for unhealthy air (ozone and particulate matter). Most of our air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation, due to our over-reliance on personal vehicles. ECOS is a strong advocate against freeway expansion, and toward public transit and transit-oriented development.

Therefore, ECOS’ new Transportation Team will discuss:

  • The failure of Measure A and the need for a “green” transportation measure
  • The role of the transportation team in organizing around regional transportation issues including active outreach, advocacy, and opportunities for direct action

This meeting is open to everyone interested in addressing one of our region’s most pressing challenges.

ECOS Climate Committee Meeting 11/10

Thursday, November 10, 2022, 6 PM

Jennifer Venema, Climate Action Lead, City of Sacramento

Sacramento Climate Adaptation Plan Preliminary Public Review Draft and Building Electrification: New Building Ordinance; Existing Building Strategy

Link to join:

To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

Click here for the agenda.

In 2020, after the Mayors’ Commission on Climate Change released its recommendations to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, the Sacramento City Council directed staff to develop an ordinance for electrification of new construction and a strategy for existing building electrification, with a focus on under-resourced communities.

In July, under Jennifer Venema’s leadership, City staff released a draft Climate Action, and now a draft Adaptation Plan. A 2040 General Plan is expected this winter.

Click the links below to learn more about building electrification efforts by the City of Sacramento.

Plus in the meeting we’ll get updates on:

  • Sacramento County Climate Action Plan – Dec. 6 Board of Supervisor Meeting
  • Sacramento County Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force
  • I-80 Causeway Project: Davis/Sacramento

Sacramento Transportation Authority Meeting Nov 10

Update: these two items of interest are postponed until November 10, 2022.

The STA Governing Board Meeting Agenda Packet for October 13, 2022 at 1:30 pm:

Item 9 discusses a strategy for using Measure A Smart Growth Incentive Program (SGIP) funds as a local match for the 2022-2023 SACOG Community Design Grant Program. The SACOG Community Design Grant Program focuses in on infill development and reducing VMT.

Item 10 provides a draft work plan for implementation of the Citizens’ Initiative should it pass in November. The draft work plan discusses among other things the need for policy development in the following areas:

  • Federal Air Quality, Metropolitan Transportation Plan and GHG Reduction Targets (Program Wide Policy)
  • Geographic and Social Equity (Program Wide Policy)
  • Complete Streets

Climate Task Force Meeting Oct 13

In lieu of our regularly scheduled Climate Change Committee monthly meeting in October, we will participate in the first meeting of the County’s Climate Task Force, at the same time (Thursday, October 13, at 6 PM); with info and link below.

Todd Smith (Sacramento County’s Planning Director) noted that their Climate Action Plan (going for a vote by the Board of Supervisors later this year) will not achieve 2030 goals, but that the Climate Task Force will be charged with recommending ways to accomplish that goal. As the website below shows,

The Task Force will provide expert and community advice on the mobilization of public and private resources necessary to implement a climate and sustainability plan that identifies and integrates current and future actions necessary to achieve an equitable, sustainable and resilient economy and transition to countywide carbon neutrality by 2030 and beyond.

The link to view the meeting an be accessed through the website below, which is:

Click here for the agenda, so you can have an idea of what to expect and what will be covered.

Sac County Final Climate Action Plan: Discussion September 8

The Sacramento County Final Climate Action Plan is out for public comment until September 27, 2022.
Join us for a good discussion Thursday, September 8 at 6pm on Zoom (link below).

Climate Action Plan presentation by Todd Smith, Sacramento County Planning Director

Response/comment by environmental advocates 350 Sac, Sac Climate Coalition, ECOS, CCL Sac, ClimatePlan, Sac Sierra Club

WHAT’S CHANGED since the Feb 2022 draft?

IS THE APPROACH aggressive, is it realistic?

WHAT GOALS will it achieve, when will we get to carbon neutrality?

WHAT WILL THE TASK FORCE do in relation to the CAP?

Link to join:
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155