ECOS Letter re City of Sacramento Draft General Plan Update

On August 23, 2023, ECOS submitted a letter regarding the City of Sacramento Draft General Plan Update.

Our main comments concerning the GPU are as follows:

  • The General Plan should include funding plans and a method of prioritizing projects based on funding availability.
  • New street standards for transit, tree canopy, and walkability should be connected to the Street Classification System to ensure uniform Citywide implementation.
  • The Plan should remove the Special Study Area in Natomas Basin and restore the protections to Biological Resources present in the 2015 GPU.

You can view our complete arguments in our letter. Click here to read the letter.

We look forward to engaging with the City as the General Plan Update advances, in order to help make this plan as best as it can be for the present and future residents of the City of Sacramento.

Comment on City of Sacramento Draft 2040 General Plan & Climate Action & Adaptation Plan by 8/23

Comments accepted through August 23, 2023

Share what you think about “Sacramento 2040″ by August 23, 2023! The City is updating its General Plan & Climate Action & Adaptation Plan, to guide how Sacramento grows, changes, & adapts over the next 20 years. Give input on the Self-Guided Online Workshop at!

Sacramento’s first community Climate Action Plan (CAP), adopted in 2012, was a stand-alone document that was intended to guide City efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. In 2015 the CAP was incorporated into the 2035 General Plan.

The City of Sacramento is currently updating the Sacramento Climate Action Plan, and integrating an Adaptation Chapter and a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, in tandem with the 2040 General Plan Update process. The full Draft Climate Action & Adaptation Plan (CAAP) and Draft 2040 General Plan were released on April 28, 2023 for an extended public review period that will run through August, 2023. An online workshop was opened with the release of these documents, and will remain open through the full public review period.

Make Comments

PDFs to the full Draft 2040 General Plan and Climate Action & Adaptation Plan are provided below.

Interactive land use maps to support review of these documents are provided below:

Self-Guided Online Workshop

Click here to enter the self-guided online workshop

For more information:

To visit the City of Sacramento’s webpage on this, including the latest update, please visit

Streets for People: Sacramento Active Transportation Plan

About the Plan

Streets for People: Sacramento Active Transportation Plan is a planning effort that will focus on identifying improvements for people walking, biking, and rolling (i.e., wheeled mobility devices used by people with disabilities, strollers, scooters, skateboards, etc.) throughout the City of Sacramento.

The plan will address active transportation needs citywide but will focus engagement and recommendations in areas of high need and historical disinvestment. The plan focus areas include South Sacramento, North Sacramento, and Fruitridge/ Broadway. Scroll down to learn more about the project.

The outcome will be a plan that will guide future infrastructure investments citywide and will direct what types of investments are made for walking, biking and rolling.

To learn more, visit the City’s website by clicking here.

Public Input Map

Tell the City how you walk, bike, and roll around the City!

Are there any safety or connectivity concerns you have when walking, biking, or rolling in Sacramento?

Click here to give your input.

Time to Wake Up 289: Rising Tides, Rising Temps

July 26, 2023

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, delivered his 289th speech on the Senate floor urging his colleagues to wake up to the threat of climate change.

STA Mtg: Future Transportation Funding 8/10

On August 10, 2023, the Sacramento Transportation Authority (STA) will receive information on the activities of the future transportation funding subcommittee and related efforts. This item is number 9 on the agenda. Please attend!

Access the agenda and more here:

Supporting Documents

Item 9 – Staff Report Future Funding Report Out.docx

Item 9 – ATT 1 PPT Previous Funding Efforts.pdf

Item 9 – ATT 2 PPT SACOG Presentation for STA.pdf

Item 9 – ATT 3 STA Cover Letter and GHG Overview Memo.pdf

ECOS Meeting: Sacramento Metro Air District & Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program 7/26

ECOS Climate Committee and General Meeting

Wednesday, July 26 – 6:00 pm start

Link to join:
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

6:00 Welcome and Introductions

6:10 Sacramento Metro Air District & Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program
The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD) is leading a regional effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with a grant from the US EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program (CPRG). Once developed, their regional Climate Action Plan will enable our 7-county region to receive major funding from last year’s federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The goals include reducing vehicle miles traveled as part of SACOG’s “Green Means Go”, promoting energy production and energy efficiency with SMUD, establishing mobility hubs in disadvantaged communities, improving water efficiency, managing forests, and mitigating urban heat islands.

Brianna Moland, SMAQMD’s Climate Coordinator, will discuss some of the suggested GHG reduction measures recommended by CPRG’s steering committee. With an advanced degree in Climate and Society, Brianna advocates for clean air and climate resiliency and works with local agencies to foster new climate solutions. Kacey Lizon, SACOG’s Deputy Executive Director of Planning & Programs, will provide SACOG’s perspective, and participate in the discussion.

SMAQMD will host a webinar on this topic, same day (July 26, 10 AM); details at

6:40 Discussion/Q&A

7:05 Updates and Announcements

  • Sacramento County’s Climate Emergency Declaration and Climate Action Plan: 2030? 2045?
  • 2024 ballot measure to fund transit; spur infill housing
  • SACOG Blueprint
  • I-80 lanes to be added between Davis & Sacramento: draft enviro. document expected this year
  • Community Benefits Ordinance for Sacramento City
  • Proposed development projects jeopardizing the Natomas Basin Habitat Conservation Plan

We look forward to hearing your announcements and updates.

This meeting is open to everyone interested in addressing some of our region’s most pressing challenges.