Please note that this meeting has been postponed until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Postponed – Date TBD
Speaker: Sacramento City Councilmember Phil Pluckebaum
We’re happy to host Phil, who joined the Sacramento City Council in December 2024. Phil represents Sacramento Council District 4, which includes downtown and East Sacramento.
Phil served for several years on the city’s Planning and Design Commission.
As city councilmember, he serves on its Law and Legislation Committee, Flood Control Agency (SAFCA), Sewer District (SacSewer) Lower American River Conservancy Advisory Committee; Sacramento Homeless Policy Council; alternate on our Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) and Sacramento Transportation Authority (STA); and others.
We look forward to hearing Phil’s plans for his new role, and to an exchange of ideas relating to ECOS priorities.
ECOS priorities include: transit-oriented infill development vs. sprawl; funding for transit, active transportation, bridges, Sac Valley station; implementation of city’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan.
6:00 PM: Social period (snacks and refreshments for attendees!)
6:30 PM: Welcome and Introductions
6:40 PM: Phil’s plans, and exchange of ideas
7:20 PM: Updates
• ECOS’ Earth Day, Southside Park, April 27 – Plan it for the Planet!
• SacRT starts 15-minute headway on Sacramento-Folsom rail line; new light rail stations (Horn Road, Dos Rios), Hydrogen-fueled bus fleet)
• Lawsuits over Caltrans’ plan to add lanes to I-80 in Yolo County
• Sacramento County County’s Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force – recommendations to Board of Supervisors in June
• Other? – your updates welcome!