Alexandra Reagan, Director of Operations
office[at]ecosacramento[dot]net • 916-444-0022
As the Director of Operations, Alexandra runs the day-to-day operations of ECOS. She graduated from Sacramento State, where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in Child Development, with a minor in Ethnic Studies. Alexandra is grateful to be able to work for ECOS in fighting for environmental justice in our region. Issues she works on include public transportation improvements, finding climate solutions, fostering climate change readiness, advocacy of active transportation choices, promoting affordable housing in our urban core, monitoring water quality, protecting wildlife habitat, lowering fossil fuel use, meeting greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, reducing urban sprawl, encouraging infill development and decreasing heat island effects.
Matthew Baker, Land Use and Conservation Policy Director
habitat[at]ecosacramento[dot]net • 916-444-0022
Matthew began working for Habitat 2020 and the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) in 2008 and currently serves as our Land Use and Conservation Policy Director. In 2018, Matthew received an Environmentalist of the Year Award for his work with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), specifically his valuable analysis of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (MTP/SCS). Also recognized with the award is his work on the California Heartland Project, including cutting-edge work with UC Davis in the mapping and analysis of the region’s natural resources, habitat and ecosystem services.