ECOS Board of Directors and Membership

The ECOS Membership includes the Board of Directors and the individual ECOS members. The Membership elects the at-large board members and votes on changes to the Bylaws.

See Biographies for staff and board members far below.


Board of Directors

The Board includes the elected officers (which includes the chairs of standing committees), elected at-large board members, and representatives of organizational members. The Board elects the officers and the chairs of standing committees.



AT-LARGE BOARD MEMBERS (ExCom appointees *)


Habitat 2020

Habitat2020 is ECOS’ Habitat Committee. It is a coalition that works to protect the lands, waters, wildlife and native plants in the Sacramento region. With the following member organizations, H2020 presents a united voice for the environment to local decision-makers and our fellow citizens:



Matthew Baker serves as a policy advisor to ECOS with primary focus is on equitable infill development and anti-displacement issues. In 2008 he began working as land use and conservation policy director for ECOS and Habitat 2020. In 2017 he joined Planning and Conservation League (PCL) while continuing part time with ECOS. At PCL, he works on state and local issues, fostering cross-sector solutions to achieve California’s climate goals, conserve natural and working lands, improve public health outcomes, and provide equitable access to opportunity for all Californians. In 2018, Matthew received an Environmentalist of the Year Award for his work with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), specifically for his analysis of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (MTP/SCS). Also recognized with the award is his work on the California Heartland Project, including cutting-edge work with UC Davis in the mapping and analysis of the region’s natural resources, habitat and ecosystem services.


Chris Brown serves as an at-large member of the ECOS Board. He is the Coordinator of the Sacramento Climate Coalition. He is a nationally recognized expert in water conservation and drought. He left his position as Executive Director of the California Urban Water Conservation Council in 2014 to work on climate issues as well as his ongoing water-related work.


Rob Burness serves as co-chair of the ECOS Habitat Committee, Habitat 2020. He also serves as the organizational representative to ECOS for the Friends of Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. He is a member of the Conservation Committee of the Sierra Club’s Mother Lode Chapter. Rob graduated from UC Davis with a degree in Biological Sciences. He was an early employee of Jones and Stokes Associates and was a principal contributor to a proposed Consumnes River Parkway Plan. He worked for 30 years as a land use planner for the Sacramento County Planning Department, where he focused on compact, efficient urban growth that minimizes impact on natural habitat. He was a principal architect of the County’s Urban Service Boundary.


Jonathan Cook serves as the organizational representative to ECOS for the Sacramento Housing Alliance. He is the Executive Director of the Sacramento Housing Alliance.


John Deeter serves as an at-large board member of ECOS. He has been on the board since 2005, served as Treasurer between 2007 and 2014, and as chair/co-chair of the ECOS Transportation, Air Quality & Climate Change Committee from 2015 to 2022. John is a passionate advocate of non-auto modes of transportation and rides his bicycle frequently. He is retired, after 30 years of astronomical research at the University of Washington.


Jon Ellison serves as a co-chair of the ECOS Organizational Development Committee. He is a retired attorney with expertise in disabled peoples’ rights, elder law, Social Security, housing law, nonprofit law, and he has a passion for preserving the environment. A father and grandfather, Jon joined the ECOS board of directors in 2006, served as president of the board in 2011 and 2012, and chair of the Organizational Development Committee from 2022 to the present.


Connor Finney serves as the organizational representative to ECOS for House Sacramento where he volunteers as its Outreach Coordinator. He works in the Office of CA State Assembly Member Alex Lee on housing and transportation policy.


Heather Fargo serves as the team lead for Land Use-Natomas under the Climate Committee. Heather was Mayor of the City of Sacramento from 2000 to 2008, following eleven years as a City council member. After elected life, Heather became the first Executive Director of the CA Strategic Growth Council (2010-2012), where she pursued a more sustainable future for CA and the world. Other pursuits include four years at the Sacramento Tree Foundation to expand tree canopies in our underserved communities; presidency of the Capital Women’s Campaign to guide Sacramento women to flex their power in pursuit of gender parity; membership in the National Women’s Political Caucus; and member of the Northern California Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.


Susan Herre serves as president of the board of directors of ECOS. She engaged with ECOS in 2016 and served as president-elect during 2021. She is a certified urban planner and licensed architect, with expertise in transportation and land use planning. For Federal Transit Administration and Federal Railroad Administration in Washington, she managed capital projects and wrote guidance on station planning and project management. Previously, Susan worked as an architect on institutional buildings in San Diego and St Louis. Over the years she has been an activist for public transit and the preservation of open space.


Anushka Kalyan serves as an at-large member of the ECOS board of directors. She engaged with ECOS in 2022 and is responsible for the “Grow Native” theme for our 2023 Sacramento Earth Day. She is working to establish an Environmental Justice Team within ECOS to include youth- and community-focused educational initiatives. Anushka is a junior in high school and a captain of speech and debate. To learn more about transportation, land use, and water, in summer 2023, she attended the California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS UC Davis).


Luz Lim began working as a policy analyst staff person for ECOS and Habitat 2020 in July 2024. She develops policy positions and manages environmental initiatives and campaigns in the topic areas of climate change, land use, transportation, environmental justice, green building, water, and habitat preservation in the jurisdictions in Sacramento County, as well as in the six-county SACOG region. Luz began working with ECOS in 2023 as a volunteer and co-lead for environmental justice-focused initiatives. Luz has a BA in Geology from Amherst College and an MS in Geology from University of Nevada, Reno.


Ron Maertz serves as an at-large member of the ECOS board. He has been actively involved in ECOS for many years and served as chair of the Land Use Committee for over ten years. Ron was selected as Environmentalist of the Year in 2012.   He spent his entire career working as an urban/environmental planner. Ron was an early proponent for the integration of land use, transportation and air quality in the planning process.          


Ralph serves as the chair of the ECOS Climate Committee, after having been president of the board from 2018 to 2022. Ralph retired in 2015 from the California Air Resources Board’s Air Quality and Climate Science Research Section. He taught at UC Davis and Sacramento City College as an adjunct chemistry professor. He is a board member of Breathe California Sacramento Region, and Sacramento’s “Green Incubator.”

TED RAUH             

Ted Rauh serves as chair of the ECOS Water Committee and represents ECOS on the Water Forum. He has over 30 years of executive management experience with the State of California directing energy conservation and power plant siting programs, hazardous waste and hazardous site cleanup programs, and solid waste management and recycling programs.


Alexandra Reagan is the Director of Operations for ECOS. She runs our day-to-day operations. She works to increase environmental justice in our region, expand public transportation, reduce urban sprawl, encourage infill development, and promote other climate solutions such as lowering fossil fuel usage and decreasing heat island effects. Alexandra obtained a bachelor’s degree in Child Development with a minor in Ethnic Studies at California State University Sacramento.


Sam Rice serves as the team lead for Transportation under the Climate Committee. He leads our outreach and education effort on transit pursuant to a contract between SacRT and ECOS. Sam is focused on expanding and enhancing local and regional transit networks to benefit the Sacramento region, to serve our growing population, help meet our climate goals, and create opportunities for small business. He is a Sacramento native. He has over seven years of experience in labor relations, advocacy, organizing, and the management of intermodal transportation operations at one of the nation’s largest container ports. Sam has a degree in philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley.


Sherry Rice serves as the treasurer on the ECOS Board. Sherry has worked in technology and communications for over 25 years with expertise in finance, operations, business planning, strategic planning, and business development. She is currently VP and General Manager of Supply Chain at Intel. She holds a BA in Economics from Stanford University, an MBA from University of California, Davis, and is pursuing a Masters in Sustainability at Harvard Extension School. She is passionate about preserving our planet for future generations and is committed to make an impact both personally and professionally. Sherry lives in Sacramento with her husband and three children.


Brandon Rose is an at-large member of the ECOS Board. He was the president of ECOS in 2016 and 2017, and was a 2020 Environmentalist of the Year award recipient. He currently serves on the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Board of Directors and was the 2022 Board President. Brandon works for the California Air Resources Board with an emphasis on heavy duty vehicle electrification. Previously, he worked on renewable energy at the California Energy Commission. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science and Policy from UC Davis.


Andy Sawyer serves as the secretary on the ECOS Board. He was president of the board from 2002-2007. He was a former chair of Sierra Club California, and is the chair of the Sierra Club Mother Lode Chapter. Andy is an environmental lawyer. He has served as chair of the California State Bar Environmental Law Section and the Sacramento County Bar Association Environmental Law Section.


Tina Suarez-Murias serves as the organizational representative to ECOS for Save Our Sandhill Cranes, a local group advocating for preservation of habitat vital to migratory Sandhill Cranes, a State-listed threatened species that overwinters in the Sacramento region. Tina retired from the California Air Resources Board where she analyzed the sources and movement of particle pollutants in the air. Trained as a biologist and a regional planner, her professional career focused on the regulatory aspects of environmental protection. Her experience spans private, public, and not-for-profit sectors, throughout the United States. Her areas of expertise also include wetlands protection and restoration, floodplain and coastal resources management, internal industrial compliance, harbor management, integrated waste management, cautious land development, and water resources management.


Edith Thacher serves as the organizational representative to ECOS for Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) Sacramento, a nonpartisan, grassroots, advocacy group focused on strong climate policy at the national level. Edith is the lead for CCL Sacramento. She worked for twenty years as a management consultant, serving the public sector, specializing in project management and change management.


Dawn Whitney serves as co-chair of the ECOS Organizational Development Committee. She initially engaged with ECOS in 2022 and worked with the Events Team and with Habitat 2020 to comment on the Delta Tunnel Draft EIR. She is a key member of the Land Use – Natomas Team. Dawn worked as a litigator for over 30 years including prosecuting administrative actions against peace officers charged with misconduct. She began her career in Los Angeles, and moved to Sacramento to begin state employment in 2001. Dawn has been involved in environmental causes over the last 10 years, but with an increasing intensity since her retirement from law practice in 2019.


Sean Wirth serves as a co-chair of the ECOS Habitat Committee, Habitat 2020. He is currently the conservation chair for the Mother Lode Chapter of the Sierra Club, and a founding member of Save Our Sandhill Cranes. After Sean retired from a career in real estate investing, he has dedicated his life to saving habitat in our region.


Ashlyn Zentner serves as the organizational representative to ECOS for 350 Sacramento. She wants to work collaboratively with the Sacramento environmental coalition to achieve policies and decisions that prioritize people and the planet, to create sustainable solutions to the dire threats of the climate crisis. Ashlyn is currently a substitute teacher and climate justice activist. She has a B.A. in Global Studies from California State University, Monterey Bay.