Environmental Acronyms Used in the Sacramento Region
AB = Assembly Bill
ABAG = Association of Bay Area Governments
ACHP = Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
ACL = Administrative Civil Liability
ACT = Agency Coordinating Team (CALFED)
ACWA = Association of California Water Agencies
ADA = Americans With Disabilities Act
AF (or Af) = Acre-foot/acre-feet
AFA = Acre-Feet annually
AFB = Air Force Base
AFRP = Anadromous Fish Restoration Program (or plan)
AFT = American Farmland Trust
AFY = Acre-Feet Per Year
AG = Attorney General
ALJ = Administrative Law Judge
AMI = Average Median Income
A-OS = Agriculture-Open Space
APE = Area of Potential Effects
APM = Administrative Procedures Manual
AQ = Air Quality
AQMP = Air Quality Management Plan
ARAR = Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements
ARB = Air Resources Board
ARWRI = American River Water Resources Investigation
ASBS = Areas of Special Biological Significance
ASIP = Action Specific Implementation Plan
ASIWPCA = Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators
ASPIS = Abandoned Site Program Information System
ASTM = American Standard for Testing Materials
AWMC = Agricultural Water Management Council
AWQC = Areas of Water Quality Concern
B/C = Benefit-to-cost (ratio)
BAT = Best Available Technology
BCDC = San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
BCP = Budget Change Proposal
BDAC = Bay-Delta Advisory Council
BDCP = Bay-Delta Conservation Plan
BDO = Board, Department or Office within Cal/EPA
BDPAC = Bay-Delta Public Advisory Council
BERC = Business Environmental Resource Center
BFE = Base Flood Elevations
BLM = Bureau of Land Management
BMP = Best Management Practice
BOD = Biochemical Oxygen Demand
BOF = Board of Forestry
BPT = Best Practicable Control Technology currently available
BPTCP = Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program
BTEX = benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes
BTU = British Thermal Unit
BWFS = Basin-wide Feasibility Studies
C&DO = Cease and Desist Order
CAA = Cleanup and Abatement Account
CAA = Consolidated Appropriations Act
CADA = Capitol Area Development Authority
CAF = Confined Animal Facilities (such as dairies and feedlots)
CAFO = Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
CAL FIRE = California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Cal/EPA = California Environmental Protection Agency
Cal-ARP = California Accidental Release Prevention
CALFED = CALFED Bay-Delta Program — state (CAL) and federal (FED) agencies participating in Bay-Delta Accord
CALFED = State-Federal Program focusing on Bay-Delta issues
CALFED ROD = CALFED Bay-Delta Program Record of Decision
CALPIRG = California Public Interest Research Group
CalTrans = California Department of Transportation
CAO (also C&A) = Cleanup and Abatement Order (Water Code Section 13304)
CAP = Climate Action Plan
CAPS = California Association of Professional Scientists
CARB = California Air Resources Board
CASA = California Association of Sanitation Agencies
CBA = Community Benefits Agreement
CBC = California Building Code
CBD = Central Business District
CBDA = California Bay-Delta Authority
CBE = Citizens for a Better Environment
CCAA = California Clean Air Act
CCC = California Coastal Commission
CCCP = Central City Community Plan
CCMP = Comprehensive conservation and management plan (CALFED)
CCR = California Code of Regulations
CCUDG = Central City Urban Design Guidelines
CDFW = California Department of Fish and Wildlife
CEC = California Energy Commission
CEQA = California Environmental Quality Act
CESA = California Endangered Species Act
CFR = Code of Federal regulations
CFS = Cubic feet per second
CH4 = methane
CHP = California Highway Patrol
CHRIS = California Historical Resources Information System
CLG = Certified Local Government
CNDDB = California Natural Diversity Database
CNEL = Community Noise Equivalent Level
CNPS = California Native Plant Society
CO = Carbon Monoxide
CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
CO2e CO2 = Equivalents
COA = Coordinated Operation Agreement (USBR/DWR)
CORE = Coalition on Regional Equality
CPR = Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
CPTED = Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
CPUC = California Public Utilities Commission
CRB = Colorado River Board
CRHR = California Register of Historical Resources
CSC = California Species of Special Concern
CSCGF = Central Sacramento County Groundwater Forum
CSCGMP = Central Sacramento County Groundwater Management Plan
CSO = Combined Sewer Overflow
CSS = Combined Sewer System
CUP = Conditional Use Permit
CUPA = Certified Unified Program Agency
CUWCC = California Urban Water Conservation Council
CVFMP = Central Valley Flood Management Planning
CVFPP = Central Valley Flood Protection Plan
CVHJV = Central Valley Habitat Joint Venture
CVP = Central Valley Project
CVPIA = Central Valley Project Improvement Act
CVRWQCB = Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board
CWA = Clean Water Act or California Waterfowl Association
D-1485 = State Water Resources Control Board Water Right Decision 1485
DB = Digital Billboard
dBA = Decibels A-Weighted
DCC = Delta Cross Channel
DEIR = Draft Environmental Impact Report
DEIS = Draft Environmental Impact Statement
DFA = California Department of Food and Agriculture
DFG = California Department of Fish and Game
DHS = Department of Health Services
DMC = Delta-Mendota Canal
DMM = Demand Mitigation Measures
DNL = Day-Night Average Sound Level
DOC = California Department of Conservation
DOF = Department of Finance
DOT = Department of Transportation
DPM = Diesel Particulate Matter
DPP = Downtown Plaza Properties
DPR = Department of Parks and Recreation or Department of Pesticide Regulation
DRERIP = Delta Regional Ecosystem Restoration Implementation Plan
DRMS = Delta Risk Management Strategy
DROs = Diesel-Range Organics
DTSC = Department of Toxic Substances Control
DWR = California Department of Water Resources
DWRSIM = DWR’s Operations Model for SWP/CVP System
EBMUD = East Bay Municipal Utility District
EC = Electrical Conductivity
EDF = Environmental Defense Fund
EIR = Environmental Impact Report
EIS = Environmental Impact Statement or Environmental Impact Study
ELI = Extremely Low Income
EMD = Environmental Management Department
EMS = Emergency Medical Services
EPA = Environmental Protection Agency
ERM = Effective Risk Management
ERN = Exclusive Right to Negotiate
ERP = Ecosystem Restoration Program or Plan
ESA = Endangered Species Act
ESC = Entertainment and Sports Center
ESL = Environmental Screening Levels
ET = Evapotranspiration
EWA = Environmental Water Account
FAA = Federal Aviation Administration
FACA = Federal Advisory Committee Act
FAR = Floor Area Ratios
FCAA = Federal Clean Air Act
FCAAA = Federal Clean Air Act Amendments
FED = Federal Ecosystem Directorate (CALFED)
FEMA = Federal Emergency Management Agency
FERC = Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FESA = Federal Endangered Species Act
FGC = Fish and Game Code
FHWA = Federal Highway Administration
FIP = Federal Implementation Plan
FIRM = Flood Insurance Rate Maps
FTDCCSDFF = Frank’s Tract Delta Cross Channel South Delta Fish Facilities Workgroup
FWTP = Fairbairn Water Treatment Plant
FY = Fiscal Year
GBV = Ground-Borne Vibration
GCID = Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District
GGS = Giant Garter Snake
GHG = Greenhouse Gas
GIS = Geographic Information System
GIS = Geographic Information Systems
GMP = Groundwater Management Plan
GO = General Obligation
GPM = Gallons Per Minute
GVW = Gross Vehicle Weight
GWP = Global Warming Potential
HAPs = Hazardous Air Pollutants
HC = Highway Commercial
HCD = Housing and Community Development
HCP = Habitat Conservation Plan
HCR = Historic and Cultural Resources
HFC = Hydrofluorocarbon
HMP = Hazardous Materials Business Plan
HR = House Resolution
HRA = Health Risk Assessment
HUD = Department of Housing and Urban Development
HVAC = Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning
HWCL = Hazardous Waste Control Law
I-5 = Interstate 5
I-80 = Interstate 80
IDSP = In-Delta Storage Project
IEP = Interagency Ecological Program
IPCC = International Panel on Climate Change
IRP = Integrated Resources Planning
IRWM = Integrated Regional Water Management
ISB = Independent Science Board
ISDP = Interim South Delta Program
ISSS = In Situ Soil Solidification/Stabilization
JPA = Joint Powers Authority
kWh = Kilowatt hour
LAFCo= Local Agency Formation Commission
LBG = Los Banos Grandes
LCFS = Low Carbon Fuel Standard
LED = Light Emitting Diodes
LEDPA = Least Environmentally Damaging Program Alternative
LEED = Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
LOS = Level of Service
LRT = Light Rail Trains
LUST = Leaking Underground Storage Tank
LVRE = Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion
LVW = Loaded Vehicle Weight
M = Meter
M&I = Municipal & industrial
MAF = Million Acre-Feet
MAWA = Maximum Applied Water Allowance
MBTA = Migratory Bird Treaty Act
MCL = Maximum Contaminant Levels
Mg/L = Milligrams per Liter
MGD = Million Gallons per Day
MGP = Manufactured Gas Plan
MMRP = Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan
MOS = Minimum Operable Segment (rail transit construction planning)
MOU = Memorandum of Understanding
MPO = Metropolitan Planning Organization
MS4 = Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
MSCS = Multi-Species Conservation Strategy
MSW = Municipal Solid Waste
MTBE = Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
MTP = Metropolitan Transportation Plan
MTP/SCS = Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy
MUD = Municipal Utility District
mW = Megawatt
MWD = Municipal Water District or Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
MWELO = Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance
N2O = Nitrous Oxide
NAAQS = National Ambient Air Quality Standard
NAHC = Native American Heritage Commission
NCCP = Natural Communities Conservation Plan
NCIC = North Central Information Center
NED = National economic development (plan)
NEPA = National Environmental Policy Act
NESHAPs = National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
NFIP = National Flood Insurance Program
NGO = Non-governmental organization
NHL = National Hockey League
NHPA = National Historic Preservation Act
NIDCD = National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
NIMBY = Not in My Backyard
NMC = Nine Minimum Controls
NO2 = Nitrogen Dioxide
NODOS = North of Delta Off-Stream Storage
NOI = Notice of Intent
NOP = Notice of Preparation
NOx = Nitrogen Oxides
NOxe = Equivalent Oxides of Nitrogen
NPDES = National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NPPA = California Native Plant Protection Act
NRCS = Natural Resources Conservation Service
NRDP = Natural Resource Defense Council
NRHP = National Register of Historic Places
NWR = National Wildlife Refuge
O&M = Operations and maintenance
OCAP = Operations Criteria and Plan
OEHHA = Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
OHP = Office of Historic Preservation
OPR = Office of Planning and Research
OROs = oil-range organics
OSHA = Occupation Safety and Health Administration
PAH = Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons
PBID = Property Based Improvement District
PCB = Polychlorinated Biphenyl
PDC = Planning and Development Code
PEIR = Programmatic Environmental Impact Report
PEIS = Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
PFC = perfluorocarbon
PG&E = Pacific Gas and Electric Company
PHS = public health and safety
PL = Public Law
PLA = Project Labor Agreement
PM10 = particles less than 10 microns in diameter
PM2 = particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter
POU = publicly owned utilities
ppb = Parts per billion
PPV = peak particle velocity
PRC = Public Resources Code
PRMP = Parks and Recreation Master Plan
PROSIM = USBR’s operations model for the CVP/SWP
PSA = purveyor specific agreement
psi = Pounds per square inch
PSP = Proposal Solicitation Package
PSR = Property Survey Report
PUC = Public utility commission
PUD = Planned Unit Development or Public Utility District
PVC = polyvinyl chloride
RAP = Remedial Action Plan
RASA = Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency
RBDD = Red Bluff Diversion Dam
RCD = Resource conservation district
RCNM = Roadway Construction Noise Model
RCP = Reenforced Concrete Pipe
RCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RD = Reclamation district
REA = Registered Environmental Assessor
REGIS = Research Program in Environmental Planning and Geographic Information Systems
RFQ = request for qualifications
RHNP = Regional Housing Needs Plan
RMS = root mean square
RO = Reverse osmosis
ROD = Record of Decision
ROG = reactive organic gases
RPS = Renewable Portfolio Standard
RT = Regional Transit
RTP = Regional Transportation Plan
RWQCB = Regional Water Quality Control Board
RWQCB = Regional Water Quality Control Board
SAB = State Allocation Board
SACOG = Sacramento Area Council of Governments
SacRT = Sacramento Regional Transit
SAFCA = Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency
SARA = Save the American River
SB = Senate Bill
SB-34 = Delta Flood Protection Act of 1988
SCCWRRS = Southern California comprehensive water reclamation and reuse study
SCDEM = Sacramento County Department of Environmental Management
SCEMD = Sacramento County Environmental Management Department
SCH = State Clearing House
SCRSD = City Department of Utilities
SCS = Sustainable Communities Strategy
SCUSD = Sacramento City Unified School District
SDIP = South Delta Improvements Program
SDWA = South Delta Water Agency
SEIS = Supplemental environmental impact statement
SFD = Sacramento Fire Department
SFEP = San Francisco Estuary Project
SFPUC = San Francisco Public Utility Commission
SGA = Sacramento Groundwater Authority
SHA = Sacramento Housing Alliance
SHRA = Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency
SIP = State Implementation Plan
SITF = Sacramento Intermodal Transportation Facility
SJRMP = San Joaquin River Management Plan (or Program)
SLC = San Luis Canal
SLD = San Luis Drain
SLWRI = Shasta Lake Water Resources Investigation
SMAQMD = Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
SMARA = Surface Mining and Reclamation Act
SMPA = Suisun Marsh Preservation Agreement
SMUD = Sacramento Municipal Utility District
SOI = Standards Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties OR Sphere of Influence (check if valid)
SPCP = Spill Prevention and Control Program
SPD = Sacramento Planning and Development
SPTCo = Southern Pacific Transportation Company
SQG = Small Quantity Generators
SQIP = Stormwater Quality Improvement Plan
SR = State Route
SR 99 = State Route 99
SRA = Sacramento Redevelopment Agency
SRCSD = Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District
SRFCP = Sacramento River Flood Control Project
SRO = Single Resident Occupancy
SRWRS = Sacramento River Water Reliability Study
SRWWTP = Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant
SSBMI = Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians
STLC = Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration
SVAB = Sacramento Valley Air Basin
SVOC = Semi Volitle Organic Compound
SVP = Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
SWA = Sacramento Regional Solid Waste Authority
SWP = State Water Project
SWPP = Source water protection program or supplemental water purchase program
SWPPP = Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
SWRCB = State Water Resources Control Board
TAC = Toxic Air Contaminants
TAF = Thousand acre-feet
TC = Transportation Corridor
TCD = Temperature control device
TCE = Trichloroethylene
TCO = Traffic Control Officer
TCPs = Traditional Cultural Properties
TDF = Through-Delta Facility
TDS = Total dissolved solids
THM = Trihalomethane
TMA = Transportation Management Association
TMC = Transportation Management Center
TMP = Transportation Management Plan
TOC = Total organic carbon
TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
TPZ = Tree Protection Zone
TSCA = Toxic Substance Control Act
UAIC = United Auburn Indian Community
UARP = Upper American River Project
UC = University of California
UC = University of California
UCD = University of California, Davis
UFC = Uniform Fire Code
UP = Union Pacific
UPRR = Union Pacific Railroad
US 50 = United States Route 50
US EPA = United States Environmental Protection Agency
USACE = United States Army Corp of Engineers
USACE = US Army Corps of Engineers
USBLM = U.S. Bureau of Land Management
USBR = US Bureau of Reclamation
USDOE = U.S. Department of Energy
USDOI = U.S. Department of the Interior
USEPA = US Environmental Protection Agency
USF = University of San Francisco
USFS = US Forest Service
USFWS = United States Fish and Wildlife Service
USGBC = United States Green Building Council
USGS = United States Geological Survey
USJRBSI = Upper San Joaquin River Basin Storage Investigation
USNMFS = U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service
USNOAA = U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
USTs = Underground Storage Of Hazardous Substances
UV = Ultraviolet
UWMP = Urban Water Management Plan
VAMP = Vernalis Adaptive Management Plan
VCP = Vitrified Clay Pipe
VMT = Vehicle-Miles Travelled
VOC = Volatile Organic Compound(s)
WFA = Water Forum Agreement
WMI = Watershed Management Initiative
WQCP = Water Quality Control Plan
WQF = Water Quality Flow
WR 95-6 = SWRCB Order WR 95-6
WSA = Water Supply Assessment
WTP = Water Treatment Plant
WUE = Water Use Efficiency
WWD = Westlands Water District