On October 3, the Natomas Community Planning Council (CPAC) is giving the public an opportunity to comment on the Upper Westside Project. You can submit written comments, phone in, or attend the meeting and comment in person.
Please comment – We want the CPAC to know the community is closely following this project.
How to Participate
- Note that Upper Westside Specific Plan is Agenda Item #1.
Attend the Meeting: Thursday, October 3, 6 pm, South Natomas Community Center, 2921 Truxel Rd. If you wish to speak, fill out and give the Clerk a Speaker Request Form. You can also attend and just sit with us.
Phone: Listen to the meeting or comment by phone: Teleconference (audio only) dial: (669) 254-5252 (Conference ID: 161 026 9414 and ## to join)
Written Comment: Email a comment to BoardClerk[at]saccounty[dot]gov . For the CPAC to read it before the meeting – send no later than 4 pm.
Meeting Agenda and Agenda Packet documents are here: https://agendanet.saccounty.gov/NatomasCPAC/Meetings/Search?dropid=7&mtids=149#below
Agenda Packet includes a description of the project, DEIR Key Points, and maps.