Spotlight: Barbara Leary

When Barbara Leary moved to Folsom 30 years ago as a nurse practitioner, she saw the connection between the environment’s health and human health, and became an involved citizen. Barbara organized neighborhood voices, successfully advocating for traffic safety, walkability, and trees. Barbara has served in leadership positions on the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Arts and Cultural Commission, the Planning Commission, and serves on a committee working to create a master plan for Folsom’s River District.

Here are some of her successes in protecting Folsom’s cultural heritage and natural environment:

  • City parks named in honor of Native Americans and historical figures
  • Limiting Folsom Boulevard and the Lake Natoma Crossing to four lanes (not six)
  • Preservation of the Natoma Ground Sluice Diggings site and its Blue Oak woodlands
  • Acquisition of the Chan House, to become the Chinese Heritage Museum
  • Work through “Trail Days” to create Folsom’s outstanding trail system
  • Sponsoring “Community Service Days” that led to projects such as a wildlife viewing platform

In 2014, Barbara became Chair of the Sierra Club’s Sacramento Group. The Group has worked with the County and City of Sacramento in the development of their Climate Action Plans, with SMUD in its development of a 2030 Zero Carbon Plan, and with SacRT to support public transportation. The Group has supported preservation of the American River Parkway, and helped stop the poorly conceived transportation Measure A from passing in 2022.

Barbara Leary has been a force in making Folsom a place that we all can enjoy. Now retired, she has announced her candidacy for Folsom City Council. She wants to continue to support Folsom in a community-led, sustainable fashion, ensuring that we take care of our existing community, conserve valuable resources, and preserve natural areas under threat from continued greenfield development. “Folsom stands at a crossroads, and we need leadership that can preserve our heritage while steering us towards a future that offers prosperity and security for all our citizens,” said Barbara. “I am ready to continue my service to Folsom by representing District 4 and working collaboratively to address our challenges.”

To contact Barbara: barbaraleary[at]comcast[dot]net

ECOS Letter to LAFCo re Airport South Industrial Project, Jun 10, 2024

On June 10, 2024, ECOS submitted a letter to Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) regarding the proposed Airport South Industrial Project. Below is an excerpt.

Thank you for the opportunity to share our concerns with you about the proposal for the Airport South Industrial Project (ASIP). We will submit our comments on the Draft EIR for ASIP soon, but at this time we would like to state our opposition to the ASIP, the proposed related expansion of the City’s Sphere of Influence and annexation.

Click here to read the letter in full.

Caltrans faces legal battle over I-80 Freeway

By Gerardo Zavala | June 7, 2024 | Daily Democrat

The Sierra Club and the Environmental Council of Sacramento have filed a lawsuit against Caltrans alleging legally inadequate environmental analysis of the Yolo 80 Corridor Improvements Project that would add two new lanes through Yolo County … A press release from the two environmental agencies filing the lawsuit claimed that the environmental impact report “grossly underestimates increased vehicular travel, which would emit far larger quantities of greenhouse gasses and air pollutants than claimed.”

Click here to read the article in full:

Natomas Campaign Update, Jun 5, 2024 – Action Alert!

Thank you again for expressing support for saving the remaining open space in Natomas. We need your help NOW!

The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Airport South Industrial Project (ASI) has been released for its 45 day comment period (due July 17, 2024).

LAFCO (the agency that approves or denies annexations) has set a public hearing on June 12 at 5:30 to hear from the community about this document. Please consider attending, you can speak or simply hold up a piece of paper that says “NO to ASI” while we speak.

For the complete document, click here.

Here’s what Solano County’s California Forever project could mean for Sacramento

By Robin Douglas | June 2, 2024 | Sacramento Business Journal

Immediate Past President of the ECOS Board of Directors, Ralph Propper, was quoted in a Sacramento Business Journal article about the proposed California Forever project.

“I think this project will make things worse in all regards,” Propper said, listing air quality, greenhouse gas emissions and habitat preservation as likely to be harmed by the development.
He also noted that California Forever’s footprint is only a bit farther from the city of Sacramento than the city of Lincoln in Placer County. “The Sacramento area has some of the worst air quality in the country, and look at the way the wind blows,” he said.

Click here to read the full article.