20 Years Later, How Are City Climate Plans Actually Going?

Science Friday with Susan Scott Peterson | June 21, 2024

Are Cities Meeting Their Climate Targets?
“The state of decarbonization is lopsided. It’s really imbalanced in this country,” says Hilari Varnadore, a vice president at the U.S. Green Building Council, where she oversees a national program that helps cities with sustainability goals. “We have places—cities and states—that are just really accelerating progress, big time. And then there [are] just places that it’s moving super slow.”

Click here to read the article in full.

Natomas Campaign Message – Next Steps for Airport South DEIR and what you can do, Jun 20, 2024

Read the entire Campaign Message please.

Thank you for your response and participation in the LAFCO meeting on June 12. Considering the short amount of time we had to prepare – our response was great. About 30 comments were submitted to LAFCO and 11 people addressed the Commissioners to express their concerns. We learned a lot.
We saw the seven LAFCo Commissioners carefully listening. They heard that the impacts on air quality, farmland and the visual aesthetic of our community will be irreparably harmed.

Farmland is worth saving

“Farmland is worth saving for the farmers, the food, climate change and the species that live and forage there.”

What people value — 2023 Valley Vision Livability Poll

Sacramentans listed open space as the top reason they like living here.  We are so lucky to be the close in habitat and farmland along our rivers and in Natomas, serving us, migrating birds, and our local endangered species.  

“Natural spaces, trails, and community assets make the Sacramento region special. In the 2023 poll (and the polls dating back to 2017), people most value the natural places in our region, including parks, trails, waterfronts, and open space.” — 2023 Valley Vision Livability Poll

Farm to Fork without the farms?

“You can’t have Farm to Fork without the farms. The fertile farmland of Natomas is productive, beautiful and worth saving for us and the other species who live and forage there.”