Sierra Club and ECOS Sue Caltrans over Yolo I-80 Freeway Widening Project

On May 29, 2024, the Sierra Club and the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) filed a lawsuit against Caltrans alleging legally inadequate environmental analysis of the I-80 freeway widening project through Yolo County. The lawsuit’s goal is to stop Caltrans from widening 17 miles of the I-80 freeway from six to eight lanes between Davis and Sacramento through the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area until Caltrans conducts a valid analysis of adverse environmental impacts threatened by the project and implements appropriate mitigation for these harmful effects.

Click here to view our press release.

Click here to view the petition.

Other environmental groups filed suit too.

ECOS and FOSH Letter to County Board Supervisors Item 11 Watt-EV FSEIR, May 17, 2024

On May 17, 2024, the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) and Friends of the Swainson’s Hawk (FOSH) sent a letter to the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on Item 11, Consent Calendar, Board Meeting May 21, 2024 on the Watt-EV SWIFT Project FSEIR.

We asked that this item be shifted from the Consent Calendar into the main body of the meeting and that the Board add a requirement for the project applicant to obtain an incidental take permit from the CA Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Click here to read the letter.

American River Watershed Forest Management – Presentation 05/29/2024

Mega Fires, Water Supply, and the Environment

Join us Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 6:00 pm on Zoom
(ECOS Board Meeting will begin at 7:00 pm)

Link to join:
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

The forest lands of the American River Watershed are an integral component of our Region’s ecosystem, providing habitat for wildlife and residents, recreational opportunities for all, carbon sequestration and timber harvesting, and a critical source for the capture, storage and release of water resources for us, the delta, and downstream beneficial water uses.

Join ECOS and a panel of experts on May 29 from 6 pm until 7 pm to learn about how Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) has become involved in ecological forest management and the science behind implementing this work. Learn how the last century of forest management has degraded ecological sustainability and contributed to the megafires that threaten the future of forests. Discuss what is being done to correct these mistakes and what we all can do to sustainably manage our watershed and others throughout the west.

  • Tony Firenzi, Director of Strategic Affairs with PCWA, will provide an overview of how his agency interfaces with the forest environment and the business case for their leadership in managing forest lands. Tony will closeout the discussion with critical policy matters that need collaborative resolution to continue on a trajectory of progress.
  • Marie Davis, Registered Geologist and consultant to PCWA, will expand on the case for ecological forest management and present the partnerships and collaboration that are necessary to advance these projects. She will use PCWA’s French Meadows Forest Restoration Project as an example and discuss the collaboration with federal, state, and local government, NGOs, and UC Merced to bring this project to success. She will present efforts to respond to both wildfire damage and what work needs to be carried out to protect the forests from the ravages of future wildfires.

The survival of our forest lands is critical to all our lives and environment, both regionally and globally, so it is essential that ECOS consider these and other perspectives. Bring your issues, questions, and ideas on the 29th and join the conversation.

Click here to view the agenda.

Community Air Monitoring Programs – Coordination Discussion 6/13

In-person: Valley Vision, 3400 3rd Avenue, Sacramento (snacks/drinks!)
or Zoom:
Meeting ID: 833 5084 0698; Passcode: 142040

Three air monitoring programs are underway in the Sacramento area, focused on underserved communities. They are intended to inform residents about their likely sources of unhealthy air, and help come up with viable solutions.

We will hear from those involved with these studies:

  • Valley Vision: Sacramento Neighborhoods Activating on Air Quality
    Focus: Old North Sacramento/Norwood and Oak Park/Fruitridge
  • Sacramento Metro Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD): Community Air Monitoring Plan
    Focus: South Sacramento, Florin/Route 99
  • Breathe California-Sacramento Region & CSUS: Sacramento County Vehicle Emission Project
    Focus: Health impacts of near-roadway pollution

Also, SMAQMD Transportation & Climate Division Director Jaime Lemus will discuss federal funding for:

  • Community Pollution Reduction Grants for the seven-county Sacramento region
    (funded by the Inflation Reduction Act through US EPA)
  • A Climate Resilient Capital Region – involving SACOG, SMAQMD, SMUD, SAFCA, SacRT, PCWA (Placer County Water Agency), RWA (Regional Water Authority)
    – a multi-benefit approach to resiliency through coordinated action and collective investment


  • Caltrans’ plan to add lanes to I-80 in Yolo County
  • Status of Climate Action Plans, & Sacramento County’s Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force
  • ECOS’ work with SacRT to highlight the benefits of public transit
  • Others …

Click here to view the agenda.

Watch Recording – ECOS Special: Making Democracy Work

On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, the Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) hosted a special meeting entitled Making Democracy Work. You can watch a recording of the meeting below.

Speakers included:
Paula Lee, President of the League of Women Voters, SacCounty
Josh Rosa, Better Ballot Sacramento

Questions asked included:

  • What is the League of Women Voters?
  • What is proportional representation?
  • How does Ranked Choice Voting fit in?
  • What’s the status of the National Popular Vote Compact?