On December 14, 2023, Sacramento County staff opened a comment period for its Notice of Preparation for a Subsequent Environmental Impact Report for the Climate Action Plan. A meeting was held to discuss the document on January 10, 2024, and comments are due Jan 31, 2024.
Monthly Archives: January 2024
SIWD Community Workshop 1/25/2024
Thursday, January 25, 2024, 5:30 – 7pm
SIWD PRESENTS: Community Benefits Agreement Presentation
Join Sacramento Investment Without Displacement to learn more about the work we have done around Community Benefits Agreements (CBA) and how they have significantly impacted other cities.

SIWD has been working with City of Sacramento Staff to implement a CBA ordinance. We will also give an update on where we are in this process. We will also discuss how residents and community members can join us and provide feedback and information.
The meeting will be virtual both on Facebook Live and Zoom.
To Attend our Virtual Meeting please register in the link: https://bit.ly/4agkcWO.
Black conservation and climate leaders 2/27
In honor of Black History Month, join the White House Council on Environmental Quality on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 3:00 PM ET / 12:00 PM PT for a virtual roundtable with Black conservation and climate leaders working to advance access to nature, climate justice, and the preservation of Black history.
- Brenda Mallory, Chair, White House Council on Environmental Quality
- Rue Mapp, Founder and CEO, Outdoor Afro
- Wawa Gatheru, Founder and Executive Director, Black Girl Environmentalist
- Vince Leggett, Founder and President, Blacks of the Chesapeake Foundation
Register and submit your questions here: https://pitc.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_TQrxuAMlTbi0BBAccw2y7g#/registration.