Reducing Carbon in the Built Environment

ECOS MTG/Board – Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Click here to view the slides from this meeting’s presentation.

LINK to join: ECOS ZOOM 6656164155 or call: 1 669 900 6833, Mtg ID: 665 616 4155

6:00 pm Welcome – Susan Herre, Board President

6:15 pm Presentation and discussion: Reducing Carbon in the Built Environment

7:00 pm ECOS Board Meeting + Annual Elections

8:00 pm Adjourn

REDUCING CARBON IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT (Eligible for one hour of continuing education learning units under CA Architects Board – certificates will be issued by ECOS)

Joel Swift AIA will lead the discussion through key concepts and new analytic tools used by engineers, architects, material suppliers and contractors. Chris Chatto AIA will present several projects that illustrate how these tools and concepts can achieve significant reductions in embodied carbon. Ida Clair AIA will discuss how the State of California is including embodied carbon analysis in building codes starting in 2024. Before the session, see the Excerpt from Reducing Carbon in the Built Environment.

50th Anniversary Environmentalist of the Year Awards

We enjoyed a truly memorable evening on December 1, 2023, including a photo array of past awardees, a video on key events that have moved our region toward sustainability, and of course, the presentation of the 2023 Environmentalist Awards to the Natomas Basin Conservancy Boards, River City Waterway Alliance, and Sacramento Area Council of Governments.

Thank you to our sponsors; your support makes it all possible. Thanks to the ECOS events team — you make it happen.

VIDEO: ECOS Past, Present, Future

Photos of Fifty Years of Awardees

History of ECOS

2023 Program Booklet


ECOS Climate Committee meeting 11/16/2023

ECOS Climate Committee meeting
Thursday, November 16, 2023 – 6 PM start (Zoom)
Link to join:
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

6:00 PM: Welcome and Introductions

6:10 PM: Timothy Irvine-Alavi (Chair, Sacramento County Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force)
will report on the Task Force’s progress on recommendations to County Supervisors to be presented this winter. These result from their Energy Technical Advisory Panel (especially existing building electrification), their Transportation Technical Advisory Panel, and their Outreach and Education Subcommittee.

6:40 PM: Tamie Dramer (Executive Director, Organize Sacramento)
will present polling results for a possible November 2024 ballot initiative for affordable housing.

7:00 PM: Updates and Announcements

  1. Caltrans has started construction on the I-80 Yolo Causeway between Sacramento and Davis. On Monday, Nov. 13, Caltrans is scheduled to release a draft EIR (Environmental Impact Report) for the larger project – Adding lanes to the causeway. Let’s discuss possible comments due next month.
  2. Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Plan, Nov. 9 joint meeting SACOG, SMUD, SMAQMD, SacRT boards: to secure $ billions for climate initiatives (like ZEV deployment). Pre-proposal due Feb. 1, 2024 to US EPA. (e.g.: forest biomass conversion to green hydrogen fuel and sequestered biochar)
  3. New ECOS contract with SacRT for Educational Outreach and Communication Support Services

Click here to view the agenda in PDF.