ECOS Climate Committee meeting 12/21/2023

Thursday, December 21, 2023 – 6 PM start (Zoom)
Link to join:
To phone in: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 665 616 4155

6:00 PM: Welcome and Introductions

6:10 PM: Alberto Ayala, Executive Director, Sacramento Metro Air Quality Management District (AQMD) – will discuss applying for federal Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG), and the recent COP28 meeting in Dubai.

  • The AQMD is working with agencies in our 7-county Sacramento region to develop a regional greenhouse gas (GHG) plan to include all desired climate pollution reduction strategies. The CPRG program provides $5 billion in grants to develop and implement ambitious plans for reducing GHG emissions, authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act; pre-proposals are due Feb. 1. At a recent joint meeting of SACOG, SMUD, SMAQMD, and SacRT boards, Alberto discussed the idea of converting biomass utilization (from agriculture and forest thinnings) to green hydrogen fuel and sequestered biochar.
  • At COP28, the final global agreement calls for transitioning away from fossil fuels.

7:00 PM: Updates and Announcements

Caltrans started construction on the I-80 Yolo Causeway between Sacramento and Davis. Caltrans released a draft EIR (Environmental Impact Report) for the larger project: adding lanes to the causeway. Comments are due January 5.

Sacramento County: “Notice of Preparation” released for “Subsequent Environmental Impact Report” for a revised Climate Action Plan: January 10 meeting to discuss; comments due Jan. 31. Also, their Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force is preparing to send recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for building electrification, air quality, and transportation.

Sacramento City: moving ahead with existing building electrification, and a Climate Action & Adaptation Plan. The City Council voted to move ahead with a Missing Middle Housing approach that would eliminate single-family zoning in its 2040 General Plan.

Click here to view the agenda in PDF.

Posted in Climate Change Committee, ECOS Updates.