Recording Available: Sacramento County Measure A Meeting 9/14/23

In case you missed this special presentation about Measure A at the ECOS Climate Committee meeting on Thursday September 14, 2023 at 6:00pm, you can request a recording of the meeting. Just send an email to office[at]ecosacramento[dot]net for a copy of the recording.


6:00 Welcome and Introductions

6:10 Existing Sacramento County Measure A: What It Said, What It Has Done, What It Will Do

Sacramento County voters passed Measure A in 2004, a sales tax to fund transportation improvements through 2039. This presentation is designed to provide us with a basis of understanding and point of reference for a possible November 2024 ballot measure. Also, is there any flexibility to modify how future Measure A revenues may be used?

Co-presented by:

• Kevin Bewsey: Executive Director, Sacramento Transportation Authority
• Liam Huber: ECOS Intern; UC Davis Environmental Management & Policy


• Henry Li, CEO and General Manager of Sacramento Regional Transit
• Michael McKeever, former Executive Director of SACOG

Open Discussion, Q&A

7:05 General updates and announcements

This meeting is open to everyone interested in addressing some of our region’s most pressing challenges.

Click here to view the agenda in PDF.

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