On August 17, 2023, ECOS submitted a letter of thanks for recent presentations on three local groundwater subbasins, as well as suggestions for well permitting coordination.
Monthly Archives: August 2023
Status of State Legislation with Local Impacts
August 14, 2023
Quincy Stivers, ECOS Board Member and current Senate Fellow at the California State Senate, has put together a summary on the status of various bills now in the California legislature that bear on the work of ECOS and its partners.
Comment on City of Sacramento Draft 2040 General Plan & Climate Action & Adaptation Plan by 8/23
Comments accepted through August 23, 2023
Share what you think about “Sacramento 2040″ by August 23, 2023! The City is updating its General Plan & Climate Action & Adaptation Plan, to guide how Sacramento grows, changes, & adapts over the next 20 years. Give input on the Self-Guided Online Workshop at http://sac2040gpu.org!
Sacramento’s first community Climate Action Plan (CAP), adopted in 2012, was a stand-alone document that was intended to guide City efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. In 2015 the CAP was incorporated into the 2035 General Plan.
The City of Sacramento is currently updating the Sacramento Climate Action Plan, and integrating an Adaptation Chapter and a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, in tandem with the 2040 General Plan Update process. The full Draft Climate Action & Adaptation Plan (CAAP) and Draft 2040 General Plan were released on April 28, 2023 for an extended public review period that will run through August, 2023. An online workshop was opened with the release of these documents, and will remain open through the full public review period.
Make Comments
PDFs to the full Draft 2040 General Plan and Climate Action & Adaptation Plan are provided below.
Interactive land use maps to support review of these documents are provided below:
Self-Guided Online Workshop
Click here to enter the self-guided online workshop
For more information: sac2040gpu.org
To visit the City of Sacramento’s webpage on this, including the latest update, please visit sac2040gpu.org.
Accounting System for the Regional Water Bank
On August 3, 2023, ECOS submitted a letter to the Regional Water Authority to suggest a meeting to discuss efforts to develop an Accounting System for the Regional Water Bank. Below is an excerpt.
We are interested in learning about how effective the 2012 Accounting Framework was in tracking and accounting for groundwater transactions within the bank, and which aspects of the 2012 Framework may be included in the new Regional Water Bank Accounting Framework currently in development. We are also interested in discussing how the requirements of SGMA will be incorporated in the Framework. Also, we suspect that the expanded monitoring and modeling of both the North and South American subbasins has provided additional sophistication and understanding of how groundwater moves within and between these subbasins. We would like to hear your plans for including this added technical understanding of subbasin operations into the accounting framework. We would also like to learn how you plan to account for any deposited ground water losses, and ideas you are considering regarding the use of portions of deposits to address groundwater dependent ecosystem needs, and, as a set asides to improve basin storage. Finally, the 2012 framework seemed to establish pumping levels for participants tied to water years. Is this approach one you are considering going forward, and would any resulting pumping agreements be included in Individual Purveyor Agreements established as part of the Water Forum 2 process?